Chapter One

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It's been ten years since high school, and Gunnar is returning for the ten-year high school reunion. The last two years of high school were his absolute best and worst times.

His dad was a sheriff's deputy who was killed in the line of duty the summer between middle and high school. Though his parents' marriage was more convenient than love, they made the best of things. It was a messed up situation that resulted in a high school pregnancy. Just before his dad's tragic death, his dad met a woman that he fell in love with, through them he gained a sister, Allie. She is 13 now and is in 18th grade.

When his mom married Ben, her high school love, he gained a brother and another sister. Hudson and Everett. He always wanted a big family, it was a bit lonely growing up being an only child and now he sits back and reflects on how much fun they had. Well still have. They are a tight group and they are his best friends and biggest supporters. He is closest to Allie, she is beyond mature for her age and they understand each other since losing their dad. Ben has played a huge role in their lives growing up and he couldn't be more thankful to a man who really took care of the woman who raised him.

The only thing he is missing out of life is the one person who can bring him back from the shadows when life gets too dark. He's typically in a good mood and not much can bother him, but when he does have those down moments it's nice to have someone to be there. He's dated here and there but no one has ever lived up to her. Victoria. She allowed him to be him, accepted the family dynamics, never pushed him to be anything more than simply Gunnar. When she broke up with him, he was devastated. Senior year he had signed to play at University and she wanted him to have his focus on the future. He tried and begged to make her see that he wanted her to be a part of that future but she wouldn't budge. Said he needed to focus and she needed to focus on herself.

It was the right choice to break up but no one can hold a candle to her.

Gunnar is driving home for the weekend specifically for this reunion in hopes to catch up with her. He lives and works in the city next to the small town they grew up in. Sadie and Ben have been traveling more since all their kids went off to college. This trip they are in Italy and so Gunnar will have the farmhouse to himself. Hudson is in Colorado for training and Everett is on a trip to the family land with her friends for a weekend of photography. When he arrives home he drops his stuff off in his old room and calls a friend, coworker, investor however the current situation plays out. Josh has been a big part of Gunnar's life since College. They played college football together and Josh helped Gunnar build a mentor program that has become Gunnar's life passion. They mentor kids in lower-income areas in hopes to keep them on a good path. Josh first started out as an investor but now he just donates time or money for the cause.

"Hey Josh, how is Austin doing? He had that big test on Friday and he was supposed to have the backpack of food to take home for the weekend," Gunnar says.

"Yeah man, He got a B on the test which is amazing compared to the grades he's been putting out," Josh says. "And he got the food backpack. I added some extra money in there for anything extra since he got that B,"

"Awesome, We will reimburse you for that," Gunnar says.

"Nah, my donation to a great kid. He's earned it," Josh says.

"Cool, alright I need to get ready. Meeting some old high school football buddies at the bar. I'll catch up with you Monday," Gunnar says.

"Later," Josh responds.

Gunnar gets ready and tries to look a bit better than he normally does in case Victoria shows up. She didn't really run in the same group that Gunnar did but hopes that maybe she will be there. When Gunnar arrives he sees a bunch of old football buddies who now look like the dad bod guys. It's good to see them but he feels a bit awkward. It's like they still talk about things as they were back in the day with nothing new to add. A few married their high school sweetheart who was also a cheerleader. It's all small-town dreams. Next to me sits a cheerleader who always tried way too hard.

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