Chapter Twenty Nine

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Gunnar falls into his chair thinking the balls on this guy must be huge. Or on drugs, either way, he doesn' know why he is here.

"Go ahead, time is ticking," Gunnar narrows his eyes at him.

"So first, I'd like to apologize for my brother. The family has severed financial ties with him altogether. We do not condone or approve of his behavior. Honestly, I have no idea what was in his head," Chris shakes his head in disbelief.

"Asking why and receiving the answer to the why will not allow any closure," Gunnar states.

"I can see that, I am still here to apologize to you," He tries again.

"We appreciate that, why else are you here?" Victoria stands next to Gunnar.

"Cut right to the chase, It's admirable Miss. I'm sorry I never really caught your last name," Chris tries to be polite.

"It's Mrs. Andrews," She corrects him.

"Oh! Yes, right, congratulations! I am thrilled to hear it!" He tries to recover.

"We are waiting, sir. If you are not going to say why you have come then I am going to kindly ask you to leave," Gunnar pushes harder.

"Yes, sorry. I am here to offer a donation to the center. We like the work you have been doing and the area's response to the center with the impact it has in the city. Its admirable," Chris offers.

"We will consider it," Gunnar says.

"No," Victoria cuts in.

"No?" Chris whips his head to look at her.

"No?" Gunnar follows his focus to his wife.

"No," She stands firm. "That is hush money. We deserve better than that. I deserve better than that. I do believe that you and the company are truly interested in the center and the public persona. But what you are asking is the start of hush money. If you are truly sorry you will donate that amount towards sexual assault victims and to go towards the funds for untested rape kits. A lot of places can't afford the test and this could help them." Victoria informs.

"We can do that as well..." Chris attempts again.

"No, not as well. This is the only offer that stands here at the moment. We can revisit your offer to donate in a year." She responds.

"A year!" Chris was shocked by the response.

"A year," she reaffirms.

"That is the offer," Gunnar backs his wife up.

"But you said you would consider it," He points to Gunnar.

"That was until my WIFE, the sexual assault victim of your brother, spoke up and made the terms. I support her decision on this,"

Chris looks back and forth between them and realizes this isn't a simple deal he could talk his way through, this is more serious than he could've imagined. "Okay, we will wait for the reconsideration for our donation for the center and we will make the donation for sexual assault victims."

"For that, now we will consider in three months to partner up with you for a small mentor program where the kids come and learn financial aspects of the corporation. In six months if that goes well then we will consider allowing you a small marketing aspect from that program. I need you to understand that this is building trust." Victoria explains.

"I can see that and I will oversee this personally to make sure that this will go through," Chris expresses.

"Ok, well please see yourself out. I need a quick word with my husband and we have an event to go to," Victoria walks over and opens the door.

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