Chapter 2

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"What- That doesn't make any sense-"

"There are 6 months left in the contract," He said sternly.

Anger boiled inside of her, she wanted to slap him across the face for bringing up that damn contract. It was a contract for him but to her, it was a damn leash.

If it wasn't for the hospital they were in she would've surely made a scene but right now she had to calm down and figure out why the hell he even cared about the contract.

He had everything he ever wanted. To her, it was like this marriage was just a setback for him so this would be ultimately helping him.

She couldn't even look at him.

"It doesn't make any sense Nicholas. You have everything. Every damn thing you want this marriage means nothing to you, so why keep ties with it?" She asked in a passive-aggressive tone.

He didn't reply.

Oh, how he made her blood boil.

"One thing. The only thing I want is the one thing I can't have because of a piece of paper!" She whispered to herself as she felt tears.

Standing up she decided what she was about to do was for the best.

She needed to do this for herself, she blinked back the tears as she walked to the door and sighed as she stood in front of the door her back to him.

"I wish you the best Nicholas." She said as she walked out.

She needed to do this for herself.

If she couldn't divorce him then she'd run away and keep it a secret. Nobody needed to know whether she was married or not.

It was like a 6-month vacation, she'd leave for 6 months until she could officially leave him, and then all would be well.

In those 6 months, she'd continue to build the fashion business that she had put on hold for this marriage.

She had been working on her business for months but now she could spend her entire days on this and get this business up and running.

She needed this more than anything. She wanted this more than anything.

It was just what she had to do.

She drove home as she had packed all her stuff knowing this was going to happen a few nights before. She could feel the guilt arise but she wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for him. It was always because of him.

She wasn't sure what she was going to tell Lukas, or where she would live but she knew one thing for sure.

She'd return in 6 months and divorce him the way she imagined she'd do today.

She had a small property she had bought when she was ready to start her business, that was before she got married and her entire life was on hold.

I guess that's where she would have to live until she could find a good apartment. She had been saving up for a while now. She could make some down payments and start her business up again.

Slamming the door shut to her car door she felt tears at the brim of her eyes. Why couldn't she do this without feeling like she was guilty of everything that happened?

What hadn't even occurred to her was what she would do if her parents found out about this. After all, this entire marriage benefitted them the most.

They had always raised her to be financially and mentally independent but it seemed like there was no use to that considering they arranged a marriage for her anyway.

They wouldn't find out unless Nicholas decided to rat her out but as far as she knew, Nick hadn't talked to her parents since the wedding.

Despite them being persistent on dinners he would always deny with some lame excuse. Besides what would he say when they would ask why she ran away.

That he was sleeping with other women? Or would he lie?

In any case, she had bigger things to think about, like her living situation. She wasn't worried about food because she had more than enough for a few months of groceries if she was going to live off ramen and cheap premade meals.

She'd have to figure out how she was going to turn her small property into a business and a living area. It all seemed too much.

Sighing she drove to the small estate. It was really late at night and she cursed herself for not leaving in the morning.

Whatever. It was done now she couldn't do anything anymore.

She stood in front of the small little box of property and smiled. She had earned this small box, she did it herself.

Even though it looked like an old piece of trash, it had potential if she put it in the work she could make it work.

She unlocked the door and stepped in. It smelled like paint and wood but it was tolerable.

She opened the lights which were insanely dim and there were woodblocks scattered everywhere, with the ceiling a little torn apart.

On the bright side, it wasn't freezing like the outside, she cleared out a small part of the floor and laid out a futon, a small comforter, and few pillows down. She lied down as she stared at the crooked ceiling as she opened her cell phone to see a missed call from Nicholas.

Knowing Nicholas he only ever called for one thing, for her to leave the house so he could bring his side chicks home.

Thank god she wasn't home and she didn't know when she would be. She decided to ignore it. If he knew she ran away he'd track her.

She knew him well enough to know how he played this game.

She saw a missed text message from Lukas she opened it and read:

Luke: Coffe at my place tomorrow? I'll send the address

Juliet: Alright! I'll see you there

Sighing, she closed her eyes as the unbalanced wood under her poked through the $200 futon, and prodded and nudged her back. She'd look for an apartment tomorrow.

Finally, after several attempts, she was able to finally fall asleep.

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