Chapter 26

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"You were supposed to stay under the radar!" Cynthia angrily said as she threw her hands up at Vivian who looked unbothered.

"I know. I just got caught up" Vivian explained

"You don't get it, Vivian. Everythings ruined, they won't let you get near him! They know you're here now! It's over we've lost" Cynthia said as she sat down and processed the information.

"Do you think I wanted this to happen?" Vivian said matching her anger.

Cynthia looked at Vivian, her eyes went wide as she realized what was happening here.

"Oh my god. You want him back, you came here to win him back. You never planned on helping me you just needed a way to get back in the game" Cynthia said as she realized what Vivian was doing.

"I did what I had to do. I loved him, and I'll prove he loves me too. After he gets that divorce it'll be us again"

"You used him! You never loved him. You loved his money!" Cynthia accused.

"So what! Every girl has their needs! But I did love him. And I still do, and you won't be a problem. Do you understand me" Vivian demanded as Cynthia boiled up in anger.

"You deserve to rot in hell," Cynthia said between gritted teeth. 


"I don't know Cassie, I wasn't thinking, I lose myself around him," Juliet admitted as she rummaged around her shop for a pen.

"Are you sure, maybe you're growing feelings" Cassie said over the phone.

"I can't be and even if I was it would never work. He's in love with her Cassie, he needs closure until then I need to avoid him" Juliet said as she fished out a pen.

"You're being too hard on him, he can't help it," Cassie said as there was a rustling in the back.

"Are you switching sides? You can't possibly be on his side" Juliet argued

"Look- Juliet, I'm not on anyone's side, I have to go we'll talk soon," Cassie said as she closed the phone, Juliet huffed out air and sighed.

When would this get easier?

"Hey, Juliet! I heard you were coming back to work" Annette said as she peered inside the shop with two coffees in her hand.

"Oh yeah," Juliet said with a smile.

"Here- I got you a latte," Annette said with a smile as she handed Juliet the latte.

God bless Annette and her kindness.

"Oh, Annette! You didn't have too" Juliet smiled as she watched Annette return that heartwarming smile.

"I was going to visit you when you were sick, but Cassie told me it was better not too" Annette explained, 

That definitely saved me a headache.

'Oh hey Annette!, yeah I'm staying at my husband's place thanks for coming by' That would be pretty hard to come by.

"Yeah, probably for the best- could you check if there are any extra boxes in the back," Juliet asked Annette who nodded and left.

Sighing, she knew she needed help with her business, and there was only one person willing to supply her with what she needed.

But she didn't want this shop to take off because of Nicholas. She wanted to build this, but she needed help.

And it was unavoidable.

And with her messy love life, it just seemed harder.

Hearing the door ring as she looked to her side and found a man who looked her age, he was quite good looking.

He had dominant features, his style was attractive.

Juliet smiled as he walked inside as he looked around.

Finally making his way up to her she smiled as she greeted him, he had a cute smile.

"How can I help you?" Juliet asked as she set up the cash register despite him holding nothing, or at least any of her clothes.

"I'm looking for a gift, for my- sister she's around 5'2 blonde and she really likes lemons," He said with a smile.

Juliet returned the smile as she snaked around the corner, she had the perfect dress for his sister.

She went to the back as she pulled out one of her newest dresses, the one she designed before she had gotten sick.

It was a warm yellow color, with black and white lemon prints on it, it was off the shoulder and knee-length perfect for her size.

She walked out as she held the dress and showed it to him.

"How's this?" She asked, he held the dress as he felt the soft material.

"It's great! Thanks!" He smiled brightly as they walked back to the cash register. 

"You're really pretty" He started looking up to her as Juliet scanned the item.

Taken back she chuckled as she looked up at him, she couldn't make her love life any harder than it already was.

"Thank you, but I'm actually-" Before she could finish her sentence someone had already done it.


Nicholas said as he walked in and raised an eyebrow at the boy. 

Embarrassed he walked out with the lemon dress. Of course, Nicholas would ruin the moment.

"You're really pretty" Nicholas mocked as he pushed himself off the wall.

"He was just being nice," Juliet said attending to him. She was not the least bit surprised that he had shown up despite her specific orders not too.

"Sure," Nicholas said as he leaned against the counter where Juliet stood behind, somehow they seemed to easily act as if they hadn't slept together twice and fight about his dying love for another woman.

"your mother called," Nicholas said, unfazed Juliet raised her eyebrow her eyes focused on the cash register as she attempted to add new clothing they had just released.

"Did she?" Juliet said clearly unbothered.

"You're going to eventually have to talk to them Jules," Nicholas said.

"I don't really have to do anything, besides, isn't it better this way," Juliet replied as she looked at Nicholas who looked slightly disappointed.

"At the end of the day they're your parents, you need them," Nicholas said as he placed his hand over hers.

"Easy for you to say, they practically adore you," Juliet said still unconvinced.

"She sounded sad Juliet. Call her" Nicholas said as he stared at her for a while before taking his hand off hers and leaving.

Her life truly would never get boring.

Sighing she picked up her phone as she stared at her mother's contact name for a while unsure if this was what she wanted to do,

actually, it was perfectly clear what she wanted to do, it was about what was the right thing too. 

Despite her marriage arrangements she had parents who loved her, who supported her. 

Before she had gotten married her parents cherished her, as their only daughter they loved her and she would have never imagined they could love anyone else more.

She used to bake with her mother on Saturdays, as it was a passion they shared. they'd laugh at the burnt cookies that never seemed to get old and devour the boxed cake because it was the only thing they could make without messing up.

They had fun.

And she'd do absolutely anything to get those days back, to relive and cherish those memories.

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