Chapter 9

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"He's terrible for that Julie." Cassie agreed as Juliet explained her whole fiasco this morning. They both folded clothes as they chatted for a bit.

"Julie someone's here for you!" Alora yelled from the front of the store. Groaning Juliets head already ached, if it was that woman who was demanding a refund on the clothes she damaged then she truly would lose her mind.

Walking out Juliet met eyes with Lukas who smiled brightly at her. Next to him was the beautiful brunette woman whom she saw in the picture Lukas had shown her the other day.

Today must be her birthday, recalling the events she smiled brightly at them and walked towards them.

"And you must be Anette." Juliet confirmed as she engulfed Anette in a hug.

"That's me! I can't believe this is happening!" Anette boasted in disbelief as she looked around in awe.

Pulling out the paperwork she had already prepared earlier she smiled as she handed it to Anette

"Look over it, let me know if there is anything you don't agree with! My numbers at the bottom" Juliet explained as she went over the details and pointing out important parts and where to sign.

Anette smiled as she went back to the car after they finished up with everything whilst Lukas stayed behind.

"You don't know how much this means to me," Lukas thanked as he stood in front of Juliet.

"Oh, its nothing." Juliet smiled as she gave him a heartwarming hug.

"I owe you one Juliet!" Lukas said as he pulled apart and smiled.

"Go! She's waiting for you!" Juliet rushed smiling as he laughed and headed out.

She stood there for a moment enjoying the moment. Sighing she turned back around and returned to her work, feeling reality hitting her again.

"Juliet," She heard a feminine unfamiliar voice, turning around she met eyes with a beautiful blond woman, long legs and a nearly perfect body.

The woman knew Juliet's name but she couldn't recall ever seeing this woman.

"Beautiful place." The woman smiled as she trailed her hand along with the clothes on the rack nearby.

Juliet smiled and walked towards the woman.

"Thank you ..?" Juliet asked wondering who this woman was

"Cynthia- Cynthia Walker I'm sure you've heard of me before?" Cynthia said as she reached out and shook Juliet's hand brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

Juliet's eyes widened as she smiled recalling who she was, Cynthia was one of the most known models but in plain sight, you'd never guess she'd be in a regular small store like Juliet's

"Of course! It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Walker." Juliet boasted in excitement if people found her in the store she'd have customers left and right. But the important thing was, Cynthia Walker was in her store.

"Would you like to get a drink sometime?" Cynthia asked directly.

Was Cynthia really asking Juliet to get drinks? What has her reality come too? Just a few minutes ago she was folding clothes and now she would be agreeing to drinks with one of the most known models in the U.S?

"Oh- I- 'd love to" Juliet stuttered agreeing to the request.

"Great! I'll contact you" Cynthia smiled and just like that she left, Juliet stood there shocked as she processed the past events that just happened.

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