Chapter 20

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"Juliet wait" Nicholas called hot on her heels. She didn't want to wait, she wanted to yell and scream and cry and every other angry emotion she was capable of.

She wanted a perfect family so bad, so terribly bad that she had been stripped away of her own dignity and now she was left like this.

A woman who was supposed to oblige to every order given to her. She was like a lap dog, her rights were taken away. 

Her passion, her dreams, her damn morals.

Tears began streaming down her face. She had wanted to cry since morning, she had tried keeping it in. Holding a strong face for everyone.

But how could she? Inside she was the most broken soul you'd ever seen. She was only 23 she was supposed to follow her dreams and live life like anyone else.

But luck never seemed to be on her side.

"Juliet will you please wait" Nicholas begged as he sped up.

And the worse part was, even her dreams where because of Nicholas. It was like without Nicholas she'd be nothing.

No one would even glance at her. Maybe that's why she wanted to start a business without him, without being handed everything. 

Stopping she halted as she let the tears stream down her face. She was so tired, of running of feeling like she was living up to a reality that wasn't supposed to be hers.

Nicholas soon caught up as he stood a few feet away giving her the space she needs.

She looked at Nicholas, the one reminder of why this was happening to her.

"Did you know that I was forced to marry you or my parents would disown me as their child because I would be too much of a disgrace?" Juliet said between gritted teeth, she knew the way her parents were was not because of Nicholas but she also knew that he played a huge part in the depression she was falling into.

"Did you know that I cried myself to sleep 2 weeks in a row before our wedding?"

Nicholas stayed silent.

"Have you ever stopped for a second and realized that because of you I went through your pain of loss and got stripped away of my freedom?" Juliets voice had become weaker and weaker. She was falling ill.

She wasn't okay, she was holding everything in for too long.

"I know. But you have to calm down Juliet you're going to hurt yourself like this" Nicholas attempted trying to calm her down.

"It won't go away, Nicholas. The pain Nicholas it won't stop" Juliet cried as she fell into Nicholas' arms and cried her heart out.

"I know love, I know" He soothed as he held her as tight as he could. 

"She's fine now, she was hot when I- held her," Nicholas said over the phone as he sat across from Juliet who was dead asleep on his couch

"It's unnecessary for you to come over now, let her sleep. I'll call you if anything happens" Nicholas said as he ended the phone call.

Nicholas had taken off for the last 3 or maybe 4 days, after that incident. Juliet had fallen ill and had slept hours on end with no energy.

Nicholas had informed Cassie who visited to change her clothes everyday and help her take showers but it seemed like her condition wasn't getting all that much better but her condition hadn't gotten any worse.

Cassie soon walked in, with a glass of water and a tray of food. 

"She'll be okay Nicholas, watching her every day isn't going to fasten the process" Cassie reasoned as she set the food down.

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