Chapter 24

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"Look I'm all better" Juliet stated as she stood up and showed herself off to Nicholas who looked everything but convinced.

"Your face is pale" Nicholas pointed out bluntly. Juliet furrowed her eyebrows and looked away, he would never let her leave and it was honestly tiring.

"where's Cassie? Didn't she sleepover?" Juliet asked as she turned back around.

"Leonardo is back, she went to pick him up," Nicholas said as he poured himself a cup of bourbon and sat down.

"That night, when you dropped me off at Cassie's how'd you know I wouldn't be able to stay," Juliet asked recalling that memory.

"Cassie met Leonardo at my club, I was aware that they had left together that night" Nicholas explained as he opened his phone and looked through his emails,

They all happened to be the same emails he always procrastinated.

"You own a club?" Juliet asked surprised.

"14" he answered.

"Wow" Juliet whispered to herself as she spun back around and walked over to the fridge to find something to eat.

Juliet and Nicholas were not on good terms but they had no reason to argue today, so everything seemed to be fine.

"I think we should talk about what happened that night," Juliet said as she flinched after asking, she had been avoiding asking for a while and now it was inevitable.

"What's there to talk about," Nicholas asked as he looked at Juliet.

"Well- I mean we can't just avoid this, there has to be something I mean what does this mean for us..." Juliet questioned unsure of what to say.

"You still take a strong disliking to me, I don't think this moves us up despite us having-"

"Okay, okay nevermind" Juliets stopped before he could finish his sentence as her cheeks flared up.


Vivian sped up as she hit the accelerator with a little more force than last time, the anger inside of her boiled. Charles had shamelessly embarrassed her.

He had no respect for her, she deserved it but the bluntness of It all was just embarrassing. 

She would show him that she was capable of love, she would show him that Nicholas was still in love with her. Even if she had to walk back out of his life again.

She was a determined woman, hungry for approval.

Pulling up to Nicholas' house her mind spiraled around memories she had forgotten about. The truth was, she was in love with Nicholas at one point.

She'd do anything for him, but she also had needs, ones that Nicholas wouldn't be able to provide if he was married.

How could she have been wrong to leave? He was getting married after all it was just more heartbreaking to watch and stay.

No matter how much he loved her, it was something he was bound to face.

"Welcome back Ms. Willis" Daniel's glare couldn't have been harsher, she knew how much Daniel despised her.

But what could she do about it? Absolutely nothing.

"Let me in" Vivian ordered which Daniel hadn't even moved a muscle to.

"You're quite bold showing up here, I suppose you're only here to make everyone's life that much harder" Daniel shot back as he leaned against the gate.

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