Chapter 30

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"Thanks, this meant a lot" Juliet whispered to Lukas as they stood in front of her and Nicks's home.

"My pleasure" He smiled as she hugged him one last time, she loved that Annette had such a wonderful man, for such an amazing girl like herself.

As they parted ways she stood at the doorstep for a moment wondering whether she really wanted to do this considering all the events that took place

She noticed both Charles and Vivians car was gone, and secretly she hoped maybe Nicholas was gone as well, she just wanted one night to herself,

Sighing she opened the door to find Nicholas standing at the kitchen sink his back to her as his arms on both sides of the sink holding him up.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she set down her keys and walked over to him.

"Nicholas?" Juliet whispered

"She kissed my brother" He whispered back. Juliet's heart broke for him, 


"No Juliet, when she kissed him I- I wasn't mad I... got the closure I needed it, I don't love her," Nicholas said as he watched Juliet furrow her eyebrows


Before she could say anything Nicholas grasped her face as he kissed her, passionately, as if it had been an eternity

Taken back she stood still for a moment, finally melting into the kiss.

She was all drenched in water but he didn't seem to care, or for that matter, notice.

Pulling away she stared at him, his hands holding her face, he chose her, 

He wasn't in love with her anymore, did that mean that there was a happing ending for her, for him? 

Did she go through all that in reward of love?

"But I've put you through enough, and I won't let you bear my burdens anymore" He whispered pulling away from Juliet

No... he was not going to leave her...

not after all that.

"What are you trying to say..." She asked as she looked up at him.

"Next month we'll go our separate ways, you'll forget about me, us, and you'll live up to your dreams, you'll find a man who values you the way I never could, and you'll have beautiful children who you'll love till the end" He whispered as tears trailed down Juliet's cheek.

"Stop Nicholas this isn't-"

"I want a future with you, Juliet but the future I want will never be the future you deserve" He whispered wiping away her tears.

"You can't leave me Nicholas we haven't even tried..." Juliet whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks again.

"We don't need to try Juliet, because deep down we both know that it'll never work. I need you to be happy, for me Juliet" He whispered as he backed away from her.

"So you're just going to give up on me!" Juliet yelled Nicholas stayed silent as he walked towards the door.

"If you walk out that door Nicholas I swear to you I will never forgive you, and you'll live the rest of your life knowing I don't ever want to see your face again," Juliet said in anger as Nicholas stood at the door for a moment.

"I'd rather you hate me than hold onto something that'll never last, I'm so sorry Juliet" As he walked out.

Juliet fell to her feet in tears.

How could this happen to her, After all this?

Life never wanted to be on her side. And one day she'd learn to accept it.


Hey you guys! This is the end of Book 1. (She Belongs To Me)

I know this was sad and definitely not the happy ending we all were rooting for, but in order for there to be a book two, I needed the book to end this way.

Book 2 will be coming out so soon, 

I hoped you guys liked this one and you'll love the next one! It'll have a happy ending...maybe....maybe not

Anyways! Thank you for reading this far, and finishing the whole book it means a lot!

Here's a sneak peek of Book 2


Just as I walked out I met eyes with a familiar someone.

My eyes lit up as Nicholas pushed himself off the window display and smirked, while I was supposed to hate him I learned to love him.

Because what he did for me would be something I would never be able to do for myself, and that truly was a sacrifice you make for someone you love.

I hadn't seen Nicholas in two years, but that didn't mean I didn't know he was still keeping tabs on me. It was a very Nicholas move.

Besides, it's what Nicholas' father would want.

Rushing into his arms the familiar feeling of his touch brought me chills in the cold weather, He wrapped his arms around my waist with a light chuckle.

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