Chapter 3

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"I'm glad you could make it," Lukas smiled as he closed the door behind her. 

She gave him a smile, but she couldn't help but feel like she was lying through her teeth even though she hadn't said anything.

"Coffee?" He asked as she sat down in the living room he had a small comfy apartment. It was just as she imagined.

"Sure," She said quietly as she observed his apartment. It was cute, it had cliche decor and abstract paintings.

"You seem quiet, did something happen?" Lukas asked bringing her attention back to him. She wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to tell him what was going on.

Was it too soon for her to spill this all, she had just met him yet she felt like she owed it to him. She was giving him the wrong idea and it would only drive him away more.

Deciding it was best to just tell him.

"I have to talk to you," She said looking down, the nervousness was evident in her eyes as he brought the coffee over and set it down on the small coffee table as he sat down on the love seat.

"What's up?" He asked concerned as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I'm married... but it's not like that he's an ass and I want to divorce him but there's this contract and there's still 6 months left and I just-"

"Juliet wait. You're married and you had me in the mindset that you were single" He confirmed a little agitated and shocked.

"I never said I was single you assumed that. Besides I-"

Although she had given that idea. But she hadn't bluntly said she wasn't in a relationship.

"Look, Julie, I can't do this with you right now," Lukas said as he put his coffee down.

"Lukas you have to understand I don't want this either and I really need-"

"You're with someone. Whether you like it or not I can't do this with you it's just... a lot for me" Lukas explained he looked a little sad but what could she do.

"I need a friend Lukas!" She reasoned with him tears threatened to come out.

"I'm sorry" Lukas sighed as he stood up.

She sighed realizing he couldn't be her friend either. She had to do this on her own and maybe that was better for her. 

She couldn't be reliable on anyone she needed to get through her head as she sighed and looked down at her lap.

She stood up and headed towards the door as she stood there for a minute.

"I'll see you later Julie," He said sadly as she unlocked and walked out.

She had held in the waterworks the entire day but right now she really needed to let it all out as she walked out.

Large tears brimmed in her eyes. 

She started speed walking to her car as she sat in it. She finally let herself cry away. She didn't deserve this.

Finally hearing the phone ring she realized it was her parents, sighing she wasn't really in the mood to talk to them but knowing how they were they would get suspicious.

Picking up she wiped away the tears.

"Hey, Jules! We just wanted you to know we're in town you wouldn't mind if we came over for dinner right?" Her mom said.

She panicked not knowing what to say 

"Oh, actually Uhm. I don't think that would be very good-"

"Great I'll see you at 7!" Her parents cut her off as they ended the phone call.

Damnit she should've known they wouldn't take no for an answer.

Sighing she sped back to the mansion and groaned realizing she'd have to answer to Nick where she been last night and all morning.

Walking in the house she found Nicholas on the phone as he turned around and looked at her as he clenched his jaw.

"She's, here," He said to whoever was on the other end as he ended the phone call.

"Where the hell have you been?" He demanded as he walked closer.

"I'll explain everything later but my parents are coming at 7 and there having dinner here too!" She tried reasoning with him as he scoffed.

"We're not done here Juliet," He said in a calmly intimidating voice grabbing her wrist as she tried to leave indicating indeed this conversation was going to continue.

She soon started picking things up and cooking something easy but presentable. They needed to look a little presentable considering her parents thought this was a perfect marriage.

Truth was, they favored Nicholas. They treated him more like there child than they ever treated her but she wasn't surprised.

Nicholas was the son they wanted. They didn't want a daughter, but dealt with one instead and benefitted of her by arranging a marriage with the son they wanted.

Now they were legally his parents in law.

This worked out perfectly for them, a handsome wealthy heir to a multi-billion dollar company it was everything they could want.

Nicholas had actually helped clean up too but he was probably doing this to continue being in their favor.

He never helped her, but this time he had it felt special but she didn't think much of it.

She finally was able to set the dinner table up which consisted of salad, a platter of spaghetti, and some breadsticks. 

It wasn't much but this was so unexpected, they couldn't expect her to make a full course meal in under 2 hours.

Finally, she wiped down her hands on her apron admiring the food she made and the decently clean house as they waited.

"Juliet" Nicholas called in the living room as she made her way there.

"Please elaborate where you were last night," He asked as he stood in front of her intimidating her.

Her breath hitched as she looked at him wondering whether to tell him or not.

"How's your wound you must still be recover-"

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in leaving no space between the two as his eyes darkened.

"Don't you dare" He whispered referring to her changing the subject she wasn't sure how to answer him. Who was he to talk anyway?

He had been out late nights on multiple occasions and she never questioned it.

"Why does it matter-" Just as she was about to finish the sentence the door slammed open as her parents stood there with a large smile.

They were still insanely close to each other and he was still grabbing her wrist as her parents stood and chuckled nervously as he let go and they pulled apart.

"Come on Leroy we're obviously interrupting something." Her mother scolded her father as they snaked past the two into the kitchen.

Nicholas cursed as he turned around.

"We are not done Juliet," He said in an angry whisper as he walked away to the kitchen to greet her parents.

Juliet cursed herself for letting her parents see that, hopefully, they wouldn't get the wrong idea.

Walking in the kitchen herself her parents engulfed her in a hug and smiled.

"Oh, Julie you and Nicholas look even better each time" Her mother boasted with a smile. She gave her mother, Alina a small smile.

"Oh, Leroy look at them! They look so in love" Her mother bragged as her father, Leroy smiled and agreed.

How clueless and oblivious could they be?

How long were they going to try and convince themselves there was something there when there clearly wasn't.

This was going to be an eventful night.

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