Ch. 13 Here on out

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"Did you go see Tonia?"

I look over at Kayla as we were behind the counter. I never did mention the whole therapist thing to Tory, cause I knew we would be able to solve it ourselves if we just commuicated and understood where we both were coming from.

But it's hard when Tory gave me the silence treatment for the last few days.

We hardly spoke and it's been a few days since I brought Kayla over for them to meet. I knew it wasn't such a great idea, but did I think that at the time? Of course not.

I didn't know that it would result in not talking to Tory for the last few days.

That was Monday and it was Thursday now.

Ayden and Jamie left Tuesday morning. I got to say goodbye to them but we really haven't did anything together besides Saturday night and it sucks cause we hardly ever spend time together.

Ayden said Jamie was coming back Sunday to pick up a few things from her parents house.

Looking at Kayla, I shook my head. "Um, actually.. no." I watch as she stares at me as I gave a coffee to a customer. "Thank you, have a great day."

Kayla was still staring at me as I took in another order then walked to the kitchen window before placing the paper on the bar.

"Why not?" She asks as I turn around.

Shrugging, I made another coffee and was wondering why Kayla was hounding me when she should be sweeping and cleaning around the tables and booths.

"I think we can work out our problems ourselves." I watch as she shook her head. "You don't know that. We don't need some therapist to tell us how to live our lives."

"Tonia is not like that." Kayla spoke as she was following me around like a lost puppy. "She will never intervene with your life. She will ask questions regarding the situation, then try her best to help you overcome it."

I sigh as I handed the customer their coffee then saw Kayla watching me intently. "Are you going to be bugging me about this all day or are you going to clean?"

She looks at me for a moment before turning and grabbing the broom. I watch as she walks around the counter, looks at me once more before she starts sweeping underneath an empty table.

Shaking my head, I went back to working. I kept looking at the clock, waiting for my lunch break. I wanted to eat so bad and it's stupid for me to not eat breakfast.

Coffee isn't breakfast, I keep telling myself.

Wiping down the counters, I look up to see Kayla sweeping under a table then I noticed some men looking at her ass as she was bent over. I kept watching them as they were staring openly with no respect.

Kayla leans back up then looks in my direction. She sticks her tongue out before walking to another table and sweeping under it before wiping it down.

Again, those men were staring.

They were making it so damn obvious, which was disgusting. What they were doing was something so disrespectful and I wasn't sure why they were even doing that shit.

Kayla turns around to look at me and I motion for her to come here. When she walks up to the counter, I lean over and whisper to her. "Those men are staring at you.. openly."

She turns her head at them, which by now they're acting as if they weren't staring at her ass for a solid ten minutes.

"I don't really care." She shrugs, which makes me look at her weird. "I'm use to it. As long as they don't try to touch me then I'm ok. They can look at the cake, but they can't have a slice." She laughs.

Watching her, I look over at those men then back at her. "I was just letting you know."

"I appricate it." She smiles. "So um, I'm sorry for pushing you into talking to Tonia. I guess you and Tory can figure things out."

Sighing, I wipe down the counter then look at her. "I don't know if we can." She gives me a look as I shrug. "We haven't spoken since that night."

Her eyes widened. "Are you serious?" I nod as I watch her stare at me. "Damn.. I'm sorry, Carter."

"Why are you sorry?" I ask.

"I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have came over?"

I shrug. "I don't know. It was my fault for thinking that everything would be ok." I stopped wiping for a moment as I stared at the counter.

"Carter?" I look up to see Kayla looking at me with concern. "You ok?"

"Yeah.. I just don't know what to do."

Kayla leans over the counter and slightly smiles at me. "Talk to her, Carter. I know that she's probably not wanting to talk, but atleast try."

"You don't think I tried that?" I ask. "That's all I've been doing the last few day." I covered my face as I was ready to cry.

After a few seconds, I heard the door open and I uncovered my face to see Maddie walking in. I saw Kayla walk away as Maddie approached the counter and looks at me.

"Hey, Carter."

I take a breath then smile at her. "Hey. What can I get you?'

"Are you and Tory fighting?" She asks, looking at me.

Looking at her, I guess Tory told her something. I sigh as I rub my forehead. "Yeah."

She leans back as she looks at me before sitting at the counter. "She told me everything." She looks down for a moment. "I told you how she was, Carter."

"I know." I lean on the counter. "I just thought that-"

"Why are you trying so hard to get her to like that girl?" I look up at her as she was watching me.

Looking around, I look back at her. "Kayla told me she didn't have any friends here, so I was trying to be her friend. I didn't want Tory to get mad so I was trying to introduce them to each other."

Maddie sits there for a moment as she was thinking. She looks around as Kayla walks around the counter, which sees Maddie and slightly smiles at her.

When Maddie looks back at me, she sighs before leaning her elbows on the counter. "Carter.. I don't know what to say cause it's not my place to say anything."

I watch her for a moment.

"I understand where Tory is coming from cause I've known her for years. I know how she's like and I thought you would at least understand since everything I told you." She looks at me for a moment.

"Tory isn't going to accept someone, who apparently has a bad vibe towards them, to be your friend. It's obvious this girl likes you, Carter. I know you can't see it but Tory can and I sure as hell can."

I watch her for a moment as I really couldn't see that. There was no signs that Kayla even likes me. I mean, maybe at first but not after I told her about Tory.

"Just.." She sighs. "Understand, ok?" She smiles at me before ordering a coffee. I made it then handed it to her before she pays and smiles at me. "See you later, Carter."

Watching her walk out the door, I saw Kayla walking towards me before stopping. I saw her give me a confused look. "What? That was Tory's friend, I'm guessing." She chuckles. "She gave me the same look that Tory gave me." She walks around me and I stop her.

"Do you like me?"

She looks at me for a moment and chuckles. "What? I mean, yeah you're a cool person."

"I meant, do you like me."

I watch her look at me for a moment before she sighs. "Yeah.. I do. But, I know boundaries, Carter. You're with Tory and I'm not going to ruin that." She smiles then pats my shoulder before walking away.

Standing there for a moment, I let out a breath then shut my eyes before continuing working and figuring out what to do from here on out.

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