Ch. 19 Apologizes

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"Hi, Tory!" Jamie smiles as she walks into the apartment. I watch as she walks over to the counter as Tory was in the kitchen, making some kind of smoothie.

She smiles over at Jamie. "Hey, Jamie. How are you?"

"Great." Jamie smiles before leaning over the counter. "I wanna steal your girlfriend for the day."

Tory looks over at her then at me and smiles. "I don't mind. Just make sure she stays out of trouble."

I shook my head before seeing Jamie smiling and walking over to me. She hooks her arm with mine then holds her hand up in the air into a fist. "Let's go!"

"Bye!" I yell at Tory as I was being dragged out of the apartment. "Where are we going?" I ask as I slid into the passenger seat of her Tesla.

"I thought we could go to the Cafe, order some coffee then just ride around? I'm only here for a few hours cause I have to get back."

I nod as I look over at her. "Why'd you come back again?"

She was looking at the road then glanced over at me. "I had to pick up a few things from my parents house."

"Why didn't Ayden come with you?"

"He was taking a make-up test today."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "On a Sunday?"

"Yep." She chuckles. "He missed one due to the fact he slept in one day, so his professor let him retake it today."

Nodding, I look out the window as we were almost at the Cafe. I look down at my phone as Kayla had messaging me, asking what I was doing today.

I texted her back and told her that a friend of mine had came down and we were hanging out before she has to go back.

Yesterday, she wanted us to hang out soon so we can talk. I'm not sure what we needed to talk about but she asked if it was ok for us to hang out.

I told her that I would ask Tory, but I haven't asked her yet.

After Jamie parked, we both got out and I noticed Kayla's car in the parking lot. I look over at Jamie then back at the Cafe as we were walking towards it.

I never did mention to Jamie or Ayden about Kayla, because I didn't think it was important enough. Plus, everything was in the past now since Tory went to Tonia and basically got over her past, so there wasn't any need to mention anything that happened.

Walking in, I saw Kayla at a table as she was taking some orders from these people. I watched her as I followed Jamie to a booth then sat down next to a window that faced towards the road.

"How's working here?" She asks as she leans her elbows on the table.

I nod as I smile at her. "It's great. I enjoy it."

She smiles. "That's great. So, are you still on your parents money or?"

Tilting my head a little, I shrug. "Yes and no. I still have access to their account but it's not like I ever use the money. I make my own money now."

"How does that feel?"

"Amazing." I sighed. "It feels good."

She smiles then looks over as someone came up to our table. I look up to see Kayla looking at me and smiled. "What can I get you ladies?"

Jamie ordered a coffee and I did the same. I wasn't really hungry, plus it was around the afternoon and Tory already made us food at the house.

Kayla nods then walks away and I watch Jamie look over at me. "Do you work with her?"

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