Ch. 15 Trying to help

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Waking up to groaning next to me, I open my eyes to see Tory holding her head as she was laying there beneath the covers. I watch as she sat up then placed her head in her hands.

Sitting up with her, I rubbed her back as I watched her for a moment. "You ok?"

She shook her head then groaned. "I have a hangover."

Chuckling, I knew that was coming. I got up then put some clothes on before walking out of the bedroom and downstairs.

I was going to make her some coffee to see if that helps her any. I wasn't sure if she would be hungry right now, but I could always make her breakfast when she gets hungry.

After the coffee was made, I poured a cup then placed creamer in it before stirring and walking back upstairs. I walk into the room to see her laying on her back with her arm drapped over her face.

I sat the cup on her bedside table before removing her arm and looking at her. When she caught my eyes, I smiled before motioning towards the cup. "I made you some coffee."

She stares at me before sitting up. I watch as she continues to stare before furrowing her eyebrows. "Why the hell is there a hickey on your neck?'

Giving her a confused look, I couldn't help but slightly laugh which only made her more angry. "Babe, it was you."

Furrowing her eyebrows, she gave me a look as if she didn't believe me. "When?"

"Last night. Do you not remember?"

She looked at me for a moment before rubbing her forehead. "I don't remember much from last night." She leans back against the headboard and sighs. "I'm sorry."

"It should be explanitory since you're naked."

Tory looks down then moves the sheet a little. She looks up at me then makes a face. "Sorry." She rubs her temples. "Too much alcohol."

"Do you need anything? Like headache medicine or whatever?"

"Do we have any?" She asks as she reaches for her coffee.

I watch her for a moment until I shook my head. "No, but I can go out and get some."

"You sure?" She asks, holding her coffee cup.

I smile. "Of course." I lean over and kiss her head. "I'll get ready then be back."

Tory was watching me the whole time as I was getting ready. I smiled over at her a few times before sliding my shoes on. I was done and ready to go.

"I'll be back soon." I smile.

"Hurry. I love you."

Smiling, I stop at the door. "I love you too." I walk out, then walk downstairs before grabbing the keys and making sure the door was locked when I walked out.


I thought we had medicine at the house, but I guess we ran out before we knew it and never went to get more.

That's one thing we should always have because we have sex a lot, and sometimes afterwards it leaves us sore. We need something to take the pain away, although it's good pain but still.

Deciding to go to the grocery store since we needed some food anyways. I knew they had medicine here so I could pick up food and grab some pain medicine.

Making sure I had the car doors locked, I placed my keys and wallet into my back pockets then walked into the store.

It was actually pretty cold in here, so I should have brought a jacket. I don't know what it is about grocery stores always cold, but they are freezing. I mean, I get that you have meats and everything else to keep cold but damn, this is ridiculous.

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