Chapter 17 ~ "I'm not pathetic"

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Could this day possibly get any worse? 

First I get third in my competition, then Nik tries to beat up the person who's trying to help me the most and now my entire team and family is standing in front of me looking like they want some kind of explanation.

"Sasha, what's going on?" Dad asks in a cool voice. 

I look at Nik pressing Nate into the wall, Kate and Johnathan's shocked faces and a guilty Alex, standing just feet away. I don't know what to say or how to explain any of this.

"I asked you a question." He says more loudly. "What is he doing here?" He asks pointing at Nate who looks like he could pass-out from the fear. 

"Nothing." I answer shaking my head. "No, nothing. I ran into Nate in the hallway and he wanted to congratulate me on my-"

"You got third." He says in a curt tone, rubbing salt in my fresh wounds. "There's nothing to congratulate here. I suggest you go home Nate." Nik finally lets him come off the wall and he looks conflicted as to whether to stay or go.

"Leave." Nik hisses through his teeth.

Nate gives me a look that makes me too sad to think. All I want is to run into his arms, have him drive me away from this arena and never go back.

"Don't waste your time Nate. You won't be dating my daughter, she's not worth your time and quite frankly I'm not sure she's worth mine today." I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces hearing him say that. "Go date a pretty girl instead, perhaps one with more braincells than Sasha, hmm?" Nate gives me a conflicted look and I just feel like screaming at him to get out before this gets out of control. He sighs and looks at me again and then looks at my dad.

"I think your daughter's beautiful." He says bravely. "She's wonderful and tearing her down doesn't change anything." He takes a deep breath, then walks away and waves at me before he disappears out of sight.

"Don't look so flattered." Dad says crossing his arms. "You think Nate is going to change anything? First thing on Monday you won't be at school anymore, you'll be training."

"You can't-"

"I can!" Dad yells. "I will! Clearly school has distracted you and made you weak. Nathan Carter?" He asks in a disapproving tone. "I knew you were pathetic, I didn't realize you were stupid too."

"You're not pulling me from school!" I say angrily and his face changes from mocking to full on rage. 

"You will not tell me what I will do or not do!" He says. "Third place skaters don't get a say. We'll discuss this at home, get dressed!" He says and storms off down the hall. I stand in the hall feeling overwhelmed. I don't know if he's ever been that harsh with me.

"Sasha what are you doing with that idiot?" Nik asks and I look at him.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I ask feeling purely angry. "I expect that from him....not from you." I say shaking my head. "You know Nik, you're one of the only people I trust. I come to you because I always feel like I can count on you. Or at least I used to feel like that. I didn't realize you'd only support me when what I was doing lined up with your personal agenda." I spit crossing my arms.

"You don't even know what's going on, you don't know shit!" I tell him feeling more angry now. "Don't speak for me." I tell him and walk into the dressing room to grab my things. I pack up and give Kate a hug. She really squeezes me and tells me everything will be alright. Kate was always like an older sister.

I leave without checking to see if anyone's following me. I walk up to our car open the trunk and toss my things in it, sliding into the backseat. 

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