Chapter 29 ~ "Andante"

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He loves me.

Despite how messed up and confusing I seem to be he still loves me the exact same way that I love him. Now we're laying back in bed, watching the rain hit the windows, hands running over each other.

I was blissfully happy, I never thought I could love anybody. I barely even knew how to be friends with people. I would have crumbled if Nate hadn't shared my feelings, he was so perfect to me. So kind, patient, compassionate. 

We've been here for at least an hour in absolute silence aside from some quiet laughter. Neither one of us wanting to be the one to break the peace in the room. We still had yet to get dressed and I'd concluded this was the longest I'd ever spent topless.

Nobody had ever seen me in that little clothing before, part of me then got so self conscious. The other part of me was excited that this was something only he and I had shared together, that it had felt really special. I did trust Nate, a lot in fact and I knew he wouldn't push me to do anything I wasn't comfortable with.

I feel him run his fingers through my now dry hair and she furrows his eyebrows.

"Did you do something to your hair?" He asks and I laugh a bit.

"Kate convinced me to get it cut and highlighted." I tell him and he smiles. 

"It's nice Sash, I didn't notice it when your hair was wet." He says quietly. "Did some shopping did you?" He teases looking at the mountain of things Kate got me today and I sigh.

"Indeed." I tell him. "Kate is of the opinion that my clothes don't fit me so she brought me to a whole bunch of different stores to get me things she thought I'd look better in." I laugh and think about Kate forcing me to try on really strange clothes just to see how I looked. "I get where she's coming from though, half the clothes I own came from my brothers."

"Can I see what you got?" He asks and I smile.

"You care what I bought at the store today?" I ask and he nods.

"Just taking an interest, it seems like you had a good day with Kate." He says and I nod standing up off the bed and stretching a bit. 

"It was great, Kate's always been really good to me." I tell him and steal Nate's sweater off the floor and pulling it on. "She's been with me for four years, she's good at that whole 'big sister' thing I guess."

"So she was a skater in the past, was she really good?" He asks and I smile.

"She was amazing Nathan." I tell him starting to arrange the bags on the end of the bed. "She had so much raw talent and that whole 'artistic' thing I struggle with, that was why she did so well. She really loved it and had fun on the ice. She was supposed to go the Olympics in two-thousand-ten but tore her ACL before she could ever get there."

"That's awful." He says and I nod.

"I know." I mutter finding the last of my bags on the floor. "She recovered but her doctors told her she'd never skate again, she's fine to go recreationally or just here or there. But her ACL couldn't take the constant training and performing. But it doesn't seem to weigh her down everyday, she's still an amazing person."

"Well that's good." He says and I nod with a smile. "So you shopped, got your hair done, did your nails....did you do anything else?"

"We went for sushi." I tell him with a shrug. "I love sushi, I never feel sick after I eat it."

"Right......Sash that whole 'sick-after-you-eat' thing, is that mainly triggered by eating really greasy or unhealthy food? Or do you feel like that pretty much all the time?" He asks and I stop what I'm doing and think about that for a minute.

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