Chapter 30 ~ "Excuse me"

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Monday. I groaned rolling over this morning knowing I had to go back to school after a near perfect weekend with Sasha. It had been a lazy weekend at home of catching up on homework and laying in bed together. It's always hard to leave bed when she's in it with me.

She's already up, I can hear the shower running and I smile listening to her hum through the walls. Whenever I let my mind wander I think about when she came back on Saturday, drenched from the rain, completely undressed with me.

Being with her like that made it hard to breathe, let alone think straight. I'm glad I was conscious enough to check in with her and make sure she was alright with everything we did together. Sasha was truly breath-taking, her body was amazing and it seemed like all the convincing I did to assure her she was beautiful was making her confident. The thing I found the hottest about Sasha was she could go from confident and pushy to innocent and sweet in a matter of minutes. 

I hear the bathroom door open and I hear footsteps heading across the hall. I decide to get up knowing anymore time I spent in this bed would just do evil things to my brain.

As I shower I look to the ledge where she keeps her shower stuff and notice there's no razor with it. At first I figure she just left in such a rush she didn't get the chance to grab it, but her legs were always smooth. There didn't appear to be hair anywhere on her, except for the blonde locks on her head and her neatly kept eyebrows.

I chose not to question it, asking her about it would be more than awkward and a little offensive. I'm sure if she wants to talk about it she'll tell me.

I step out and quietly shave my face thinking about the two of us in that bed on Saturday afternoon. She loved me back, she was so open and vulnerable with me about it too. I didn't think she'd say it back so easily, I know Sasha's feelings have been completely scrambled around and she has a hard time being open about them. That's why when she is open with me I treat it very seriously.

I loved loving Sasha. As confusing as it seems, I really do. I know there's a few issues she's dealing with and she was worried about being a burden. But I didn't mind, if it meant I could help her take some of the weight off her own shoulders.

I know she needs to go home, I know she can't stay here forever but I really hate the idea of sending her back into that hell house. Sasha needs a certain amount of support and if I'm not allowed to go in and see her it could make for a lonely and depressing time for Sasha, and I don't want to see her like that again.

I'd fight for her, I'd do whatever I could for her so she was safe. I love her too much to let her fall back into that awful nightmare she was living in before.

"Nathan?" I hear with a knock on the door and I know it's Sasha's voice on the other side of the door. "Sorry, I don't want to disturb but I was wondering if I left my mascara on the counter in there?"

I feel my brain suddenly clear it's thoughts and tighten up the towel around my waist. I look around until I see a black tube just off to the side and pick it up reading that it was mascara.

"Is this it?" I ask, opening the door and holding it out. I immediately feel the air drain from my lungs, Sasha's outfit today was taking it all away. She was wearing a tight t-shirt that showed off her body shape and one of the skirts she bought with Kate. She had a pair of dark tights on underneath and her hair was done perfectly, sitting over her shoulders in bouncy waves.

"Yes! Thank god, I couldn't find it anywhere." She sighs and takes it from me. "Sorry.....I'll-um, let you finish shaving." She says remarking the side of my face covered in shaving cream. I feel like I can't move, I'm absolutely glued in place. I always knew if Sasha actively picked out her clothes she's be drop-dead gorgeous. "What?" She asks suddenly sounding panicked. "Is it too much?"

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