Chapter 55 ~ "I wish you were here"

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"Aren't you excited?" Kate squeals next to me. "This is going to be amazing Sasha, you have no idea."

"I guess so." I pout, sinking into my airplane seat. 

I didn't want to go, I didn't even get to see Nate today before I left. He was so good at helping me with things and making me feel better. He was perfect and I had to leave him behind for the weekend.

Yesterday really hadn't been much better at school, people still passed remarks and teased me in the hallway. If it wasn't that, it was watching people whisper behind my back. It felt surreal and the fact that it could be true? That made it hurt twice as much.

Lord only knows what Sabrina would do if she really found out about that. I'd be miserable at school, more miserable than I am now or ever have been. 

"Cheer up, three days without Nate isn't going to kill you." She insists and I groan looking out the window.

"It feels that way." I mumble. "I see him everyday."

"This is probably going to be good for both of you." She insists. "Spending time apart is healthy."

I knew she was probably right about that, but there was something distinctly amazing about having Nate wrap his arms around me. I didn't like the fact that we'd be away from each other on the biggest weekends either of us had had so far this year.

The amount of times I'd sit and think about Nate were starting to scare even me. I'd think about how long we'd known each other, how much I loved him.

I feel my phone vibrate, pulling it out of my pocket. The message was from earlier when we were at the gate, I hoped it was another message from Nate, but the name on the screen made me smile just as much.

*Good luck this weekend Sash, I'm rooting for you :) Thanks for everything you've done for me, good things are coming your way!*

The text from Micheal and I loved it equally as much. Micheal's chat with his parents had gone distinctly well, all of his worries were put to rest and, as I'd thought, they accepted him with open arms. From the few bits and pieces he'd mentioned, it had been fairly emotional. But he confirmed I was right, that it was nice to have told someone and for there to be no secrets.

I was incredibly proud of him, of course it wasn't a well known fact by everyone at this point. But slowly Micheal was telling a few people he trusted. We'd chat on the phone about it some nights and he seemed lighter. He was the same Micheal he always was, he just wasn't pretending anymore.

He even said Dean was thinking about telling his parents too. It overjoyed me, especially after telling me and how scared he was. The only person he really still had to tell was Irene. That was hard for him because he didn't want to hurt her. I knew he really did care about her, but their relationship was forced at this point. 

I almost felt embarrassed for thinking my life was overwhelming. I couldn't imagine what Micheal was going through on the best of days, but I was happy he had someone like Dean to lean on. He said his parents even set him up to talk to a councillor and keep him on track.

With Micheal's issues starting to come back under control, things were starting to get easier for him. I think he was happier now and it meant one less thing I'd think about while I laid awake at night.

"Earth to Sasha." I hear Kate say next to me, snapping me from my thoughts.

"What?" I ask and she smiles.

"I said are you nervous?" She asks and I sigh.

"Yes." I mutter and she laughs a bit. "Just a few weeks ago I never wanted to do this again, and now I want it more than ever. I'm excited but scared at the same time I guess."

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