Chapter 69 ~ "Apology accepted"

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☆ Hello readers! ☆ Just a few things:

1. Thank you for 7k (ahhhhh) I absolutely can't believe it and I feel really lucky. Every time the number gets higher I keep thinking it's going to end there, so thank you for reading :))

2. This is the second last chapter of Ice Queen, it was my plan to end the novel between 60-70 chapters and call me cliche, but I didn't want to end on chapter sixty-nine. Anyway, just the last chapter and the epilogue after this. :( 

I'm sad the book is coming to an end, but I'm so happy to have accomplished it. This book has twice the reads of my other three books combined and I'm so thankful for each and every person who reads xx


I wake up in bed and smile seeing where I am, I'm in Nate's room. I look around but I realize Nate isn't with me, I sit up and reach my hand up to feel my earring. I'll never take these out, they're so special. 

I can smell something coming from the kitchen downstairs and I decide to get changed, pull myself together slightly. That nap did amazing things for me, I feel like a new person and I'm so glad I don't feel like I did this morning. 

Even if I felt gross and I almost threw-up too many times to count, I had a lot of fun last night. There were so many good memories just from that night alone, I think there was a time where we stopped having mixed drinks and just took shots.

I take my hair down and start applying some concealer and mascara in front of the mirror in Nate's room. I smile the whole time looking at my earrings in the reflection. They had a clear stone in them, and twinkled sweetly in the light in the room.

I stop on my final sweep of mascara and see my phone vibrating next to me. Mel's name runs across the screen and I smile, answering it.

"Hey Mel!" I say cheerfully, capping my mascara. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just checking in. You looked pretty rough this morning." She says quietly and I shrug, tucking my things back into my bag.

"I was, but I'm alright. I had a good shower, long nap and the Sharpie has been removed from my lower back." I say and she laughs uncomfortably.

"Sorry about that, given how sick you seemed it seems a little undeserved." She says.

"Mel I'm fine, I had a lot of fun. Thank you so much for the fun night out, I'm going back to my training schedule this week so I honestly needed it." I tell her. I could tell she seemed upset about how I got last night, I just wanted to assure her that I wasn't mad and none of it was her fault.

"Look I really fucked you up last night and I shouldn't have pushed you so hard. I was wrong about doing that." She pleads and I sigh.

"I'm not mad." I promise. "I'm really not, don't beat yourself up."

"You should be." She mumbles.

"Mel, as long as I've been alive everyone has walked on eggshells around me. Everyone thinks I'll break if they push me too far and for once I was glad to just be equal. I like hanging out with you because it's never about me being anything other than a teenage girl. Please don't treat me like everyone else does." I beg and I hear her laugh a bit on the other end. "Hangovers happen when people drink."

"I know." She sighs. "I really like hanging out with you too, I just thought.....I thought you wouldn't want to see me again after last night. I thought you'd be really upset." She says and I feel my face fall. "I was just calling because I don't want to lose our friendship before it really gets going."

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