Chapter 64 ~ "A low dosage of what?"

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"How do you feel about today?" I ask, pulling into the parking lot at the doctor's office. "Are you nervous?"

"I guess I am a little bit." She says and I nod, shutting off the car and reaching over for her hand.

Today was the day of Sasha's doctor's appointment, she was supposed to get a few tests done today and then she'd be put on medication for anxiety. I knew it was something that she nearly cried over last week so I wanted to be here for her today.

It had been three days since our meeting at the school where Jake and Sabrina were dealt with. Even though the horrible flyers still circulated and it was far from being over, Sasha seemed much more relaxed. She was lighter than I'd ever seen her before and knowing that made me smile.

Since then she'd been polishing her medal and meeting with Kate every so often to chat. She seemed to be taking pride in her skating now, it wasn't the be-all-end-all anymore, now it was something she was genuinely loving. She and Kate had already been making up a new schedule for over the summer and into early fall. Next week they were going to start filing paperwork for her Olympic tryouts.

It was still surreal that my girlfriend was a national figure skating champion. It just made me so proud, that all of the dreams she'd had since we were little were coming true. Life was far from perfect, as it so often was for the two of us, but she was happy.

Of course Rachel and Mel had sat with her on Monday once we came back to school. They were just dying to know what was going on after that morning, and Sasha exchanged a few details. The three of them were fast friends, easily including Irene into the conversation as well. Maddie and Brooke had become closer with Malcolm and Adrian, everyone seemed to get along.

Then everyday since then, more people were showing up to sit with us at lunch. Most wanting to ask Sasha about gossip or her figure skating titles, she was more happy to answer the inquiries about her figure skating though. The table was crowded and noisy, I found myself missing our quiet lunches together where she'd whisper with me and give me a kiss on the cheek.

Sasha's social life was like wildfire, everyone wanting to meet up with her or invite her out. She and I were busy, but unlike my life with Sabrina, Sasha would turn people down in favour of spending time with me alone. She'd spend nights with me and I'd spend them with her, she told me as much as she liked going out and seeing everyone, that what she really wanted was to spend a night in with me.

"Do you think I'm just overthinking this?" She asks tearing me from my train of thought and I shake my head.

"Of course not." I tell her and she nods. "Sasha, when new things happen it's alright to be a bit nervous about them."

"I just....hate thinking that there's something wrong with me." She says quietly.

"There's nothing wrong with you." I tell her quietly. "Reaching out for help is one of the hardest things to do. But it's important to take care of yourself, Sash I guarantee this will make you feel a lot better." I whisper and she sighs, but gives me a small smile.

"Thanks for taking me." She says, running her thumb back and forth over my knuckles. "It means a lot to have you here with me."

"Of course." I tell her and she smiles. "You know I love you." Her whole face softens when I say that and she leans over to kiss my cheek.

"I love you more." She says and I smile, getting out of the car and running around to open her door for her. I take her hand and walk with her inside.

She then fills out a quick form and answers some questions before getting sent back to wait for the doctor. There's a few people sitting around the room, waiting for their turn to go in. She just wrapped her arms around my bicep and snuggled into my side. I lean over and kiss the top of her head and she smiles.

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