Chapter 19 ~ "Goodnight"

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"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" I tease and he laughs putting the first aid kit away. He takes my hand again and leads me back to the living room to sit with him. He turns down his game and takes a deep breath.

"I-I broke up with Sabrina today." He admits quietly and I instantly feel guilty.

"I'm so sorry." I say genuinely meaning it. I feel awful for everything today, first was everything that happened with Nik, then he broke up with his girlfriend and now I'm here, dumping my problems on top of it. "If you want to be alone-"

"No." He says instantly and grabs my hand. "No I don't want you to leave. The last thing I want is to be alone right now." He whispers and I nod feeling him lean into me and I run my fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him.

"It must have been hard, I'm sorry." I whisper and he nods.

"It was only hard because breaking up with people is never easy." He whispers back. "It hurt because she came clean and told me her and Jake had been sleeping together for six months."

"Six months?" I ask feeling shocked and he nods again. "That's horrible."

"Jake, my best friend. Screwing my girlfriend behind my back." He sighs. "I just feel dumb and naive. I should have known or figured it out-"

"You can't blame yourself." I whisper wiping away his tears. "You like to see the best in people and you believe in them. Clearly she took advantage of that and didn't understand she had a good thing." I tell him and even I'm surprising myself with how much perspective I seem to have. I can't believe I'm the one dishing relationship advice.

"Thanks, Sash." He says quietly and I nod.

"I think you're a wonderful boyfriend, Nathan. She was lucky to have you." I tell him and he smiles. 

"You think I'm a good boyfriend?" He teases and I feel heat rise in my cheeks. 

"Well you're a great friend." I tell him and he laughs a bit. "And a good person."

"Point taken." He says quietly and I lean my head on top of his. 

"This has been an awful day." I mutter and he nods.

"Amen to that." He says and I laugh. I turn my head slightly and kiss the top of his through his hair. "We still need to talk about everything." He says and I nod. "But not today, today has been hard enough. I just want you to know that.....that I really care about you." He says and I smile.

"Me too." I whisper and he nods leaning over and kissing my cheek. "Thank you for helping me, I didn't know where else to go."

"Anytime." He whispers and together we settle back into the couch, sitting in a jumble of arms and legs. Together we sit in comfortable silence and I just feel myself relax. Truly relax for the first time in ages, I feel free and finally happy.

Then I'm startled hearing the door open and the two of us move away slightly, trying to look less touchy-feely. His parents come in the door and their smiles immediately turn into worry and concern.

"Sasha." His mom says giving me a small smile. "How did your competition go today?" She asks and I feel my chest tighten and tears forming in the back of my eyes again. She immediately looks worried and I can see Nate out of the corner of my eye shaking his head.

"Not too well." I answer quietly and she sighs sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Are you alright?" She asks and I shrug.

"I-I guess." I say, I was mostly hurting emotionally.

"Oh honey." She says and gives me a hug that I accept with open arms. "I'm sure it'll be alright."

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