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Shumizen Academy – Second Year

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Shumizen Academy – Second Year

«We discuss about that and we made our decision...» our upper classmate and team mate Himura announces, walking in circles in front of us «...we have choose our new captain!»

The exiting atmosphere is surrounding us. I take a look to our wonderful four third year, asking myself who will be the new leader of our team.

«This thing may surprise some of you but we also talk with Saitō-senpai and she agreed with us» she keeps speaking, stopping her path right in front of me.

Saitō-senpai was our previews captain and with her leading us we were capable of win our first National Spring Tournament. If Saitō is fine with the senpai's choice than it must be someone really reliable.

«So, Isabelle-san, do you want to become captain?»

My jaw almost hit the floor. What?, I think, looking deep into the blue eyes of Himura. This can't be true. This is just a dream. They can't be serious. No one is breathing, all the girls are glaring at me, probably asking themselves why me.

Or at least I imagine that this is happening, because I don't have the courage to take off my eyes from my senpai's face.

A hand touch my shoulder. Another one is on my head, four on my back, on the other shoulder I feel another pair of hands. This time I look around me, seeing only smiling faces and Mina and Ana crying like children.

«I know that this is sudden and unexpected» Abe-senpai starts, ruffling my hair «But you are something else, Isabelle. You are the most similar to Saitō and I think – no, we think, that you are the only one who can take us to the National again this years»

It is just started the year and I am already crying of happiness. I don't hesitate and I furiously nod at the senpai's request. All of my team mates start cheering, hugging me and congratulating me. Still processing what is happening I don't notice someone comung my way.

«Are you surprise?» my mom, aka the coach of our team, asks me. I simply give her a thumb up, still trying to dry my tear with the sleeves of my jersey.

My mom is one of the reason why I decided to come to Shumizen. She is a great coach and at the same time a great mother figure for all of us. I started volleyball thanks to her and when it was time to choose an high-school I was sure that Shumizen was the right way to keep become stronger in my sport.

The girls of the Academy were always the best in volleyball and I can't be more happy to be here with all this talented friends.

«This is a big opportunity, I don't want to waste it» I declare, giving to the girls my brightest smile «Thank you all, tomorrow will be my first day as your captain and we will also have to welcome our new kohai but I want to work hard from the beginning, so be ready for a morning and an evening practice!»

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