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Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium 6th January, National Tournament, First Round

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Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium
6th January, National Tournament, First Round

«Sentoku team is our first opponent» my mom reminds us in the changing room «I already told you everything last night but let's do a final check»

«Their power are the wall, very high wall, almost scary as Date Tech» I say, putting my shirt on.

Ana nods «Number 5 and 9 are dangerous wing spiker, we need a three people block to stop them»

Mina jump from the bench «Or some really good receive!»

Ishikawa finishes styling her hair «Their captain tends to have everything under control so no soft points will be showed»

Moto takes her bag «Number 18 is left handed so we need to stop her quickly»

«My senses are at 120% today, I can feel it» Konishi takes a deep breath «I have to thanks Tendō-senpai for all the advice»

I grin. So our little middle blocker contact the Guess Monster in the end, great choice!

«Captain, we're ready to go» Oshiro announces me.

I lift my gaze from the floor with a big smile, proud of everyone single person in this room. Seeing all the progress they've made in those months is incredible and I can't be more happy to be the captain of a team like this one. They look so determined to win that I'm feeling completely calm. Anxiety, fear and sadness are all washed away by their smiling faces.

«I'm proud to have a team like you» I stand, take my bag and pass between the girls to go out but they stop me midway.

«No, we're proud to have a captain like you» Sanada smiles at me.

I smirk «Then lemme see what you can do»

«It's huge!»

The first year are looking at the court in front of us with sparkling eyes. We will play in the first gym where five courts are in so ten teams will be playing and a lot of people can see them. There's also a TV crew but that's not a problem, also in the Finals they were there.

Kōtarō has a game now in the other gym — aka the smallest — and I really hope he don't get into his emo mood for that.

Nekoma has a game in less than two hours while Karasuno...


Our head turn in the direction of the voice. Behind the barriers that divided us from the TV crew and the journalists there's all the Karasuno team waving at us. I put my bag on the floor and jog to them.

«No way! Why are you here? I thought you would play this morning!» I hug the first three members that I see which turn out to be Sawamura, Nishinoya and Tsukishima.

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