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Isabelle's Home12th April

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Isabelle's Home
12th April

«Mom, I am home and we have a guest!» I announce entering the house with Bokuto. We take off our shoes and put our bag near them. My mom appears on the kitchen's door and the first thing I notice is the apron that she's wearing. It says "Not the Best but still a Chef" and it was a funny gift from Bokuto's family for her fortieth birthday. Bokuto immediately notices it.

«HEY, that's our apron!» he says, running to my mum to hug her tight. He spins her around and then put her back on the ground.

My mom just laugh at the boy's action and hits his arm with the wooden spoon she's holding «I figured out it was you. I could hear your voice from miles away, Kōtarō»

He smiles and starts to sniff the air, like a dog «Is that sukiyaki what I smell?» he asks entering the kitchen, trying to look in the pot on the table. Mom pinches his arm, making a fake angry face.

«Ah! Don't make me angry, Kō! Sit down and we will eat together!» he pouted a little but listen the order and take a sit in his usual spot, that is right between me and mom. I smile at them: they've always been very close and a male presence in our home is always welcomed.

My dad doesn't really know he has a daughter until I was 14 and since then he is trying his best to make up for the lost time. I'm not angry at my mom, she did her choice back then and I respect it. On the other hands, dad is doing a really good job.

«Belle? I know I'm hot but honey sit down so we can eat!» mom gains my attention and take me back to reality. I made my way to the table and start to serve a portion of sukiyaki to everyone. Well, I make it double for Bokuto because he's a hella big boy.

When I'm done I sit down. We bow and thanks for the food then we can finally start eating.

«Aizawa-san, you're food is amazing as always!» Bokuto says with his mouth full of beef. Me and my mom hit him at same time on both his muscular arms.

«That's disgusting, Kō-chan!»

He finishes eating all his meal and looks me with puppy's eyes «Can I have some more, pleeease

I quickly turn my head and focus on my food «Don't give me that look! You know I can't say no to that!»

He tryes for a while to make me look at him but I resist and finish my vegetable with a large grin.

«You're going to get fat» I hear my mom saying while refilling Bokuto's plate. I look at her, shocked. My mom gives me the "I'm sorry, I can't resist" look and I sigh.

«Don't worry, Aizawa-san! I will double train tomorrow, I swear!» he promises and starts to eat again with the same energy as before.

You always obtain what you want, dummy.

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