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Shumizen Academy17th March, Graduation Day

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Shumizen Academy
17th March, Graduation Day

Here I am again, in front of the gym's door, absolutely not ready to see my teammates faces.

I open it slowly, without making any sounds. Everyone is busy doing something while I am looking at their movement, at their pretty faces and some teary eyes. I don't want that this end but I have to say it out loud.

«Girls, can I have your attention for a moment?» I say loud enough to make them stop doing their jobs and turn their head to me. Ana, our splendid setter and future national player in the Japanese Team along with Mina, our ex-libero from tomorrow, are ready to cry.

I feel like I'm in middle-school again.

«I just want you to know that I'm very lucky to have you in my life. I'm proud of the people and players you've become. You raise this team to an incredible level and without you I would be lost. A captain needs his team as much as a team needs a captain. From now on you'll be on your own without me, Ana and Mina but I'm pretty sure you will keep winning over and over. You're my second family and I hope to see you cheering for me and Ana during our future games 'cause we will be here for you too!»

I say all of that between tears and everyone look as messy as I am. They run to me, Mina and Ana and hug us, crying and saying "Thank you". Then they step back and bow.

I sigh and touch Ishikawa head «You're the ace from now on, remember that for a great jump you need the right run-up, never forget it»

Then I caress Konishi and Moto hairs «For a right block you need to read your opponent but mostly you need the determination to beat the girls in front of you. Remember this, that are words from a great middle blocker» I say, recalling Kuroo's words.

«Work hard on you left arm and spike with it when you're ready, I know you can do it» I pat Oshiro's back.

I leave Hoshino to Ana, 'cause I think she needs her words more than mine.

Ana gets closer to the little setter and pinches her cheek, even if Hoshino is still with her head bow «We practice a lot together and I have faith in your tosses. Everyone have. So don't be scared if a toss is too high or too down, I'm sure one of the amazing wing spiker will save it. Nobody's gonna yell at you, don't worry and play with all you got, because you have a lot»

I see tears falling on the ground and Hoshino sobbing «Thank you, Fujimoto-senpai!»

Inaba is shaking and Mina runs to her, jumping on her back «Don't cry, Nozomi-chan! You're one of the future great weapon! Your senpai are so proud of you!»

I smile and go to Maki, kneeling in front of her «You never failed to surprise me, Maki-chan, never. You're more strong than what you think and from now on you're a regular so don't be afraid of anything! You can do anything you want and mostly...you can win with the power of your serve. Thank you for teaching me how to do it right, by the way, you really helped me»

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