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Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium 10th January, National Tournament, Finals

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Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium
10th January, National Tournament, Finals

«Here we are with the last game of this Tournament! This morning we saw the winning of Ichibayashi High against Fukurodani Academy, obtaining the big prize and now we'll see the ladies: Shumizen Academy against Juzen High! What else we can say? Good luck to everyone!»

I sigh, caressing Bokuto's back «How are you, babe?»

He sniffs, still sad by this morning defeat «I would be better if I won»

I press my body more against his and I can feel some tears running down my shoulder «I know that you're upset now but I think you guys did it great out there! You played very well but the opponent were stronger, it's sucks, I get it, but you need to be strong now, you come till the finals and obtain a second place in your last Tournament! You never come so far like this years and that's means that the years after you'll go even more further! I know that because I believe in you and in your passion» I step back to look at him «so don't curse yourself for a defeat when you take your team till here»

He gives me a tremble smile and some applause appear from behind him. We turn and see the Fukurodani's boys all here, watching us.

Akaashi takes a step closer «Isabelle is right, Bokuto-san. We're grateful to be here and it's all thank to you. This may be a defeat but for all of us is a victory»

Bokuto runs to the boys and tugs them in a group hug that — for the first time — in appreciate from everybody.

Konoha peeks at me and extend an arm in my direction «We want our lucky charm here with us for the last time»

I take his hands and I'm quickly dragged in the hug, squeeze in different arms.

«Now now, we need to let go Isabelle, she has a game» Washio reminds and they let me go, patting my back and ruffling my hair.

I smile «I'm gonna win this also for you!»

I give an high-five to all of them and a quick kiss to Bokuto and then I run into the court.

My girls are already warming up and I join them, smiling.

I'm not ready for today.

«This game is so intense that is hard watching it! We're now on the third set and Shumizen is leading the flow! On the other hand Juzen High does want to let go, challenging their friends with their powerful attacks!»

First set 25-19, second set 28-30 and now we're on the third set and we're currently at our set point.

We're fighting like real soldier and nobody want to let go and slow down a bit.

Damn it.

Koko spikes on Ishikawa and she receives the ball, sending it right back to the Juzen's court. And also outside it!

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