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Bokuto's Home20th October, the night

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Bokuto's Home
20th October, the night

«Aaaah, this is so relaxing!»

We're currently in the bathtub and while Bokuto is playing with some bubbles I'm sitting behind him washing his hair.

His parents are coming home really late tonight so we decided to used this time to stay together for a bit of time.

«We should do it more often» he presses his back on my chest, getting a little more deep in the water «you're gorgeous»

I giggle and stop massaging his head «Kōtarō, your eyes are closed!»

He smiles, still not opening them «Yeah but I don't need to see you to say that»

I kiss his forehead and finish washing his hair. Mine are already clean and wrapped in a towel above my head.

«Your hair are really getting long, Kō» I rinse them with hot water and notice that they need a cut.

He nod «You're right, I can't spike it easily like before, now!»

I giggle a little «Did you have a pair of scissors?» I turn down the water, take the towel behind me and passing it in his hair, drying them from the excess water.

He thinks about my question for some seconds «Mh, I think mom have a pair in that drawer» he points at the drawer under the sink «Why?»

I put away the towel, kiss his neck and start massaging his shoulders «I'll cut your hair, dummy»

He relax even more «Really, babe?»

«Of course! C'mon!» I stand up and steal Bokuto's bathrobe, wearing it. He looks at me during all this and that make me blush.

«What are you staring at?»

He giggles and stand up as well, wrapping a towel around his waist «At my beautiful girlfriend, is it a problem?»

I shake my head «Not at all, now» I turn so my back is facing him and put on my underwear and one of Bokuto's shirt, placing the bathrobe on the coat hanger «I need a chair where you can sit, I can't cut you hair when you're more than twenty centimeters taller than me»

I turn to him and see he's wearing only his owls theme pajama's pants. Cute.

«I got this!»

He pass near me and runs out of the bathroom just to return some moments later with a chair.

«Place it in front of the mirror and then sit» I order him, searching for the scissors.

Here they are!

«Now I need your total trust» I joke, brushing his hair with a comb.

He nods «That's easy! You already have it!»

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