A rusty truck and a baby seat

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THE CAR JOURNEY between the newly established household of four was much more awkward than either Charlie or Veronica had been expecting it to be. They knew it would be a little bit awkward, after all it would appear that both of Charlie's daughters had inherited a lot of his great people skills, note the sarcasm. Yet he had hope that it wouldn't have been as bad as it was turning out to be. Each attempt at conversation made by either Charlie or Veronica targeted at their new companion was either avoided entirely or only answered using one word. Bella had been incredibly cold and shut off to the pair of them the second she took the front passenger seat in the car and watched as Charlie had to teach Veronica just how to clip the carrier, and functioning car seat, into the back seat. She had sat there sighing as it took them most likely a lot longer than she was used to Matthew being clipped in. And from then on it had been only progressing more and more negatively. 

Charlie had tried to engage Bella in conversation in regards to starting school, how her hair looked anything really and he had gotten very rigid frozen responses. Veronica had then tried to step in by speaking about things that the pair could do together that would be something new and fun and could help Bella adjust to their surroundings. But Bella didn't seem overly keen on anything that Veronica had suggested and the younger girl had brushed it off as though it had gone a lot better. For she knew that forming an actual bond with someone you had become estranged to took a lot longer than TV and films would indicate but that did not stop her from hoping it would. And therefore, the group settled into an uncomfortable silence as Bella watched the world go by through the window with a look of longing etched on her face, Matthew slept in the back unaware of the environment around him and Veronica spent the rest of her journey pulling faces into the rear-view mirror hoping to catch her father's eye at one point or another. 

When they did eventually arrive at the house in Forks, Bella had been quick to clamber out of the uncomfortable environment within the car. She had taken the keys to the house using the excuse of needing the toilet desperately and Veronica could see how much it could be the truth and how much it could have just been a ruse to get away. She didn't blame her sister for either, as she was sure she would have done the same had the roles been reversed. That had however, left both her and her father to bring both Matthew inside and their small belongings which had flown over with them. And with the look on Charlie's face it was clear that Veronica would be having another go at getting her nephew out of the car. 

"Give it another go, come on Ronnie you can do it. A little bit of practice for if your sister needs a hand every once in a while." Charlie encouraged as he took in his daughters face upon hearing that she would be trying it on her own. 

"I don't even have a clue on how to get it out." Veronica whined and Charlie gave her a small smile in response.

"Just the opposite of how you put it in there. Be gentle and try not to wake him up." At her father's words Veronica would attempt to remove the baby carrier from the back seat, though would find difficulty a few steps in. And Charlie, not wanting to disturb his grandson would step in to help with the final two steps giving his youngest a pat on the shoulder. 

"Nearly had it there bug, we'll practice when he's not in the carrier later so you get the hang of it without the stress of Matthew being inside." Charlie offered and Veronica could only give an awkward grin back. She knew she would have to be able to do basic care for her nephew aware that it would be required on occasion to help her big sister and father out. But she wished she had paid a little more attention in health class to have a baseline for what she was supposed to do. As at present she was nothing short of clueless. 

"Take him inside, and I'll bring the suitcases do you think you'll be able to settle him in his bed? I'm not sure if your sister would have gone straight to bed herself." Charlie muttered the last sentence as he waited for Veronica to respond.

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