A rehearsal and an new set of questions

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"I don't understand." Jacob whined as he stood in the kitchen of the Swan residence. It was officially two days before the date of the Swan-Cullen wedding and meant today was the wedding rehearsal. It was an old fashioned tradition and Veronica was surprised her sister was honouring it by allowing it to happen. In her eyes she was sure Bella just wanted this wedding to come along so she could do the do with the vampire. 

"It's just a rehearsal dinner Jake, just think about the food." Veronica tried to charm him into being more willing to go. She didn't blame him considering it was only family invited to the rehearsal dinner and therefore it would just be them as the few humans and the rest would be the vampires. 

"I'm surprised there even holding this dinner considering they can't eat." Jacob grumbled lowly to ensure it couldn't be heard by Charlie who was in the bathroom across the hallway. 

"That just means more food for you babe." She tried to turn it on a good front as she moved to readjust the tie the boy had tried to tie himself. The crooked knot and the haphazard looking ends to it had finally gotten to Veronica enough that she could no longer look at it. It had been hard enough getting the toddler dressed in a proper pair of shoes considering he didn't want to wear something that wasn't the pair of yellow wellies he had grown overly attached to. Now she was dressing her nearly 18 year old soul mate. 

"This is all stupid they are literally getting married in 48 hours why can't we see them all then." Jacob continued to complain as he stood still for Veronica to finish off the tie. She continued to just look at him blankly very much over the whole conversation, she too didn't really want to attend the dinner she'd rather be spalled out on the couch watching reruns on the TV. But her father wanted to go and she wouldn't let him attend on his own, plus she kinda wanted to see what length the cult was going to for her sister's wedding. 

The worst thing was knowing her mother was supposed to walk through the front door at any moment and she was worried she would walk into the young couple mid argument. It wasn't the way she wanted to reintroduce Jacob to her mother. Sure her mother knew of him from her previous visits to Phoenix, but she hadn't seen her mother much since she had taken Matthew in and was a little nervous to now introduce Jacob as more than her best friend.

"Just be on your best behaviour." Veronica sighed out knowing he would never be happy about attending he just had to keep everything under control for the hour or so they would be gone. She was lucky he had been given the weekend off proper patrols due to the wedding, sure he had one tomorrow during the day but that was it, a short sweet shift so that he could spend the time at the wedding and getting to know his future mother in law. Well that was what he had been referring to Renee as for a little while now. 

"I make no promises." Jake teased as he sent her a wink, watching as she smoothed down the periwinkle blue tie, the one which matched her and the little shirt Matthew was wearing. 

"If you even think of causing mischief with our son I will put you in time out." She joked back but there was a serious undertone to it.

"Me and our son, troublemakers you must have us confused." His hand rested on her waist as he gave her that familiar look. The one she knew meant he was going completely against his word or whatever he said he was going to do. She just hoped he wouldn't embarrass the small family in front of everyone. Shaking her head she glanced over to where Matthew was just checking he was still safe and okay to see him distracted once again by his rocket ship as he tottered around the living room. Turning her attention back to Jacob she found her gaze caught in his own as her palms remained pressed upon his chest. He lent down and caught her lips in a short but sweet kiss. 

"I love you." He spoke first.

"I love you" She reaffirmed.

By the time she finally snapped out the little trance she was in, she was met with the beaming face of her mother. Veronica had been caught up in her own world that she hadn't even noticed her mother walking into the house. It was a strange sight to see, her mother stood in the Swan kitchen like she belonged there. For her mother had only visited Forks a couple of times in Veronica's short life, most of which had been when she was very young or just recent due to Matthew. But it was not a bad thing to see her mother. In fact despite not having the closest bond due to their distance spent apart she did have a good relationship with her mother. 

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now