The vampire problem in forks and the solution?

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Jake had fulfilled his promise that night after he had taken a phone call outside of the house to Sam. For he spent the rest of the night in the arms of Veronica counting just how lucky he was. He was so close to loosing his whole life, his family without even knowing there was such a threat to them. He would not forgive the Cullens for not passing on this information sooner. They were aware of a mass gathering of vampires somewhere just over an hour away, that made forks pretty decent hunting ground. Yet they made no effort to pass this information onto the shifters who would be the ones coming up against these vampires. They too had families to protect, had it been the other way around Jacob was sure he would pass the information on so that the leeches could protect their family. 

Because of their dumb actions his family had almost been lost. He wasn't sure who he despised the most in that moment, the vampires or Bella. Bella wasn't under some sacred oath meaning she couldn't go to one of the sides, surely she should have been able to pass the message onwards. After all it seemed as though the human knew this supposed army existed and had knowledge that the Cullens would have to go and fight them. So why hadn't she passed this information on? Was she not concerned about the rest of her human family? Or even him, she was sure convinced he was in love with her.

He had to admit despite the reasoning for it, waking up that next morning was the best feeling he ever had. First off he had Veronica curled around him still holding on tight as if they were both scared to wake up without the other after last night. Then just as he got to watch her waken for the first time as more than friends the bedroom door was pushed slightly more open from where he had left it ajar. Assuming it was just Charlie he looked trying to come up with some idea as to why he had stayed the night. He wasn't too fussed knowing the patriarch of the swan family rather liked him. 

But his morning got even better when the tiny figure that walked its way through the door was none other than Matthew. He had to question later how the two year old had gotten out of his own bed and to this room but he wasn't too bothered. Especially when the toddler quickly walked his way to the side of the bed with the biggest smile on his face Jacob had seen in a little while. 

"Mommy, Daddy, Matty wants cuddles too." the toddlers voice broke the calm silence in the room and neither of the two almost adults wanted to protest against this. It was a morning they had nothing planned for considering they were both on summer vacation. Therefore Jacob reached out with the arm which was not wrapped tightly around Veronica, and used it to haul the toddler up onto the bed. They were lucky the bed was a double considering how cramped it would be for space if not. But as they laid there Matthew in the middle of his two caregivers space was not a concern. They relinquished in the fact that they had a little family of which they cared so greatly for. 

Both in reality had Bella to thank for their current situation. If she had not come to forks and refused to be involved in her birth son's life, they wouldn't be where they were currently. Neither would be able to call this little boy their son and they would not have this sacred family unit which was the best thing to happen to either of them. Sure Bella had also brought the most current threat into their lives, the vampires of which Jacob had yet to share the true amount of danger they currently presented, but without her there wouldn't be someone whom they needed to protect so much. 

It would seem as though the warmth of being in both his caregivers arms was enough to lull Matthew back to sleep it was not quite 8am yet and therefore he couldn't be blamed. Plus the toddler absolutely adored his sleep and when he didn't get a nap he was cranky because he just wanted to sleep. Veronica could blame this on Jacob, for before this whole genetic switch up the boy only wanted to work on his cars and nap. Therefore, they allowed him to do so as they conversed gently between themselves in order to not wake them. 

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now