The Cullen and a argument

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As the weeks continued to pass, Veronica knew that Bella no longer had any interest in her son. Both Charlie and Veronica had done too much now to 'support' the older girl that it appeared that things had gone the wrong way. And she no longer saw any need for her to be doing anything for her son, as someone else would do it for her so he did not go without. And Veronica knew that they had only ended up in the same place that Renee had which had led Bella to be sent to Forks in the first place. It was becoming more and more evident with each day that passed that they seemed to have reached a point of no return with the older girl. 

Bella did not want to do anything which would been seen as going out of her own way for the baby who was now seemingly starting to understand that Bella was not anybody important in his life. And that was what the hardest thing to see was, and it felt as though it was entirely at the fault of both Veronica and Charlie. Had they perhaps pushed more would this not be the case? Or had they done everything in the best favour of young Matthew? It was a hard thing to truly decide and Veronica knew what else to do but continue on and see what would happen in the near future. 

For a while, Bella had seemed to almost gain a tiny bit of interest back in the life of her son. She had been in forks for about three months, had started to settle a little bit and had turned her attention back onto her son. She had wanted to try to do little things whether it was trying to help him eat dinner or get him ready for bed in an evening. But this interest suddenly disappeared the moment that Bella began to become more involved with Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen was a scrawny looking boy who stood just over six foot with what would be considered bronze hair. A cross between strawberry blonde and pure ginger. He was unusually pale, with strange topaz contacts he wore everyday. And Edward like the rest of his family was very private, keep to himself and did not care or become involved with any of his peers. That was, until he met Bella. Veronica was unsure whether it was some sort of cosmic bond or whether the two were both intrigued by the mysterious atmospheres they had to one another and began the chase. She knew not how long it was going to last but, in some twisted way, wished it would be a short term relationship ruined when there was no longer a mystery to either of them and Bella would return to the way she was for that week or so. 

The mystery of Edward Cullen had been the thing which had initially drawn Bella in, like a detective trying to figure out all the clues of a puzzle. But what had truly gotten her interested in the boy was the fact that he had turned her down. Bella hadn't been one to have been told 'no' for a long time now. Renee let her get away with everything under the pretence that she just needed to enjoy her teenaged years. Charlie and Veronica had never told her no and taken over all of her responsibilities in an effort to make her like them. But Edward, Edward had told her that he didn't want to get to know her. He wasn't interested in her, didn't want to be friends yet alone anything more. He had even taken off for a week to shake Bella off. And this had only increased the infatuation the teenaged girl had for him. 

But as the weeks had passed, Bella did manage to worm her way into his life. Edward seemed to no longer be able to resist the girl, everyone at the school could see it and if the way her sister giggled in her room on an evening was evident everyone in the house knew so as well. Things had only spiralled faster and faster as the two new lovers started to become more and more involved in each others lives. And it had all started with one accident. When Edward had miraculously come to Bella's aid when she had been seconds away from an oncoming vehicle smashing into her in the school car park. That was the moment they were tied together. Something that perhaps should have driven the girl back into the arms of her family, only led her into the arms of her saviour. 

And one Saturday morning just a few days after Bella and Edward had run into one another whilst in Port Angeles, two sharp knocks rang out from the front door of the Swan residence. Bella was nowhere to be found, and her father was currently on the phone which had left Veronica to be the only one to be able to answer the door. She had been sat in the living room watching Matthew as he stood with his walker and attempted to push his feet father and father forward as a hope to actually walk independently. Therefore, with nobody around to ensure he didn't fall and harm himself, Veronica was able to scoop Matthew up into her arms and head towards the front door to open it. She swung the door open, unsure as to who it would be at this time in the morning, only to make eye contact with what she assumed was the gold contacts which could only belong to one family. Matched with the ginger hair, she immediately had the suspicion as to why Edward Cullen was stood at their front door. She knew better than to roll her eyes at his arrival and the fact that her sister did not bother to tell them that he would be coming to the house, well she didn't exactly have to she supposed but it would have been nice. 

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