The return and the trip to Italy

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As the days continued to pass, bleeding into the weeks Veronica continued to find her concern for her sister growing. Despite, not believing it could get any worse than the incident of going for a joy ride on the back of a strangers bike, it seemed to do exactly that. And Veronica feared for the day where she would get a phone call from her father with the horrible news. She knew this would be coming, whether it was due to an actual act her sister had performed or something else entirely. Something Cullen related. 

Therefore, seeing Bella take off at a rather late time in the afternoon in the ratty pair of hiking boots she refused to replace was not something unusual. Not anymore. Bella had been hiking around the woods she had once got lost in for a matter of weeks now. Never quite alluding to what she was looking for there. But Veronica had a small idea. There was just no way to break it to her older sister that there was barely any chance she was going to see or find what she was looking for. All Veronica could do instead was brush off her sisters actions and just hope she would see her a couple hours later. Though there was a part of her, a tiny little voice in the back of her head, that told her that things wouldn't be exactly horrible if Bella never returned. But as quick as she took notice of the thought, she banished it from her mind putting it into a do not return to pile. Because no matter how rocky their relationship developed to be, Bella remained her older sister. She would always be her older sister. 

Rather, Veronica returned her attention to her homework, the stuff she continued to avoid completing. Edgar Allen Poe was only interesting if you generally enjoyed English as a subject, and considering that was the last thing Veronica could see her self doing academically it remained more of a challenge than a joy. She tried her hardest to not get distracted with the many other things going on in the house around her. The blaring TV was the most difficult thing, as Matthew sat watching cartoons, safely in her eyesight, something she would much rather be doing in the present moment of time. But she could not, she had this small essay to complete and then she could return to spending time with her son. She could spend that time necessary to help him develop, thrive and live the life she knew he deserved. It was just one small poem in her way, and then she could get back to it. 

She would successfully work for 20 minutes before a different distraction would ruin her attention span for the rest of the day. The sharp ringing of the home phone would jerk her from the nearly completed work. Veronica, cast her eyes over to Matthew, who remained focused on the TV and chose to move her way towards the phone wondering who would be on the other side of the line. It was not like the residence was the most popular when it came to collecting phone calls, and with her mobile phone many people who wished to contact her specifically no longer made an effort to call the landline. Regardless, as the phone continued to ring she had to pick it up. 

"Hello, Swan Residence." She waited for some kind of response on the other side. 

"Hey Ronnie, it's me." Her father's voice came through the other side of the line, and it was instantly that she took notice that something wasn't right. Something had happened, and it was not good. Part of her panicked immediately thinking that she had wished something indescribable into existence. Something she would never forgive herself for. 

"What's happened Dad? Are you okay?"

"Sue Clearwater's just called me. Harry's had a heart attack." Veronica in part wanted to let out a sigh of relief at his words, a selfish act she was more than aware. But the other part of her felt tears start to gather in her own eyes as she came to terms with what her father was implying through his tone. Harry Clearwater was gone. 

"Do you need me to drive you down there?" Veronica offered, again waiting on some sort of response from her father though she had a feeling just where it was heading. Her father was a very headstrong independent man, he wasn't going to accept her offer, but she would continue to offer to him just for the one time he would say yes. 

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