A Return and a party

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Three days later or equivalent to a long weekend Bella was back in forks. The only problem was that she wasn't alone. For upon her return was that of Edward freakin' Cullen. The ginger haired ancient teenager had actually had the audacity to come with Bella back to the house upon her return. Veronica had been the one in the kitchen when the pair had walked into the house. 

"Dad, Bella's home and she brought a wanted criminal with her!" She called out for her father, not loud enough to disturb the toddler who was asleep upstairs, considering it was way past 8pm on a Monday evening of all times. She found herself staring at the immortal thinking of all the different ways she could light him on fire. Charlie came through the walkway into the kitchen area an unimpressed look upon his face. Sure he was at first going to chide Veronica for her constant way of announcing visitors who were not of the residence to the house. Yet this time he didn't mind because in his head for what Edward had done to his eldest daughter he was a wanted criminal. 

"Ahh Bella nice weekend get away? Straight up to your room you've got todays day worth of homework to complete." Charlie shooed her away with a stern look when she attempted to argue. Once Bella was up the stairs and out of earshot the two remaining Swans turned their attention to the Cullen boy. 

"You're lucky I have Veronica and Matthew to support right now. Otherwise I'd shoot you on the spot." Charlie didn't spare a second to tell the, who he thought was just a, teenage boy the hard truth. Neither him or Veronica wanted Edward anywhere near Bella or the rest of the family. 

"Neither of us like you Edward, if Bella wasn't so set in these delusions you wouldn't have even been allowed to step foot in this household." Veronica added in crossing her arms before allowing her dad to finally take over the entire conversation. 

"Now if you aren't going to leave Bella alone like some sort of parasite, we will have strict rules in place. She must be home at 4pm every week day and 4:30 on Saturday and Sunday. You will not be allowed to be anywhere in this house further than the living room and if you come in the house I expect you gone by the time I am home." Charlie's rules were rather lax in his own mind but he was determined to limit the two teenagers time together hoping that if they saw less of each other Bella would finally come to her sense and end the relationship.

"Yes Sir, I just wanted to apologise for leaving Bella in the woods." Edward tried to apologise but wasn't very successful. 

"Well next time you decide to play around with some teenaged girl and then decide to end the relationship maybe don't do it in somewhere where they can get easily lost." Charlie's cold shoulder to the ginger teenager seemed to be putting into perspective that whatever Edward said to console the two Swans was at a loss. 

"Veronica I'm sorry for the consequences our actions may have had on you or Matthew." Edward tried turning his apologies to the younger Swan hoping to bring her over to his side. 

"Try telling that to my toddler with the non existent sleeping pattern because my traumatised sister screamed throughout the night so he couldn't sleep for long periods of time." Edward seemed to finally work out he was no longer welcome in the house bidding a very small goodbye to the family before leaving the house. Charlie and Veronica turned to one another as soon as they knew he was out the house and high fived. 

"Well done parenting skills." Veronica cheered and gave her father a cheeky smile, he was a brilliant parent to her, he always had been. He was her biggest inspiration and her support system. He provided way more for both her and Matthew than she could ever had asked and he always protested when she tried to say no. His stepping up and acting like a father should in this instance for his eldest, was justified and right. Especially in relation to the utter moron which was Edward Cullen. 

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now