A wish and a unwelcome visitor

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The next morning, most of those in the Swan household was awake at dawn. Charlie had awoken early for he was going to pick up Billy for their day worth of fishing, and therefore, was pottering about in the kitchen getting the last few items he needed together before leaving. He finished his pot of coffee as he looked his youngest daughter in the eye. She had claimed to have struggled to sleep that night and was decided to wish him goodbye on his way out. Though he was a little bit confused as she had been sleeping really well recently but determined that she must have been worried about Matthew having another nightmare and kept herself awake.

"You shouldn't stress too much about Matthew having these kind of dreams. You had them too at his age, it's something to do with his certainty that you two are his parents not just his caregivers and he's just going through the attachment phase." Charlie tried to console her hoping that if he gave her a reason as to why these dreams were occurring that she might be able to calm down and head back to bed.

"It's just frightening, he's only two and he's already thought about the possibility that he could lose either me or Jacob. What if me and Jake don't stay together?" Veronica brought up, she knew she had no plans of leaving the relationship but what if it was to happen? She wasn't sure she was as strong as her father was able to raise her on his own.

"Not that I ever see that happening Ronnie, but you should always know you'll have my full support." Charlie gave her a squeeze of comfort before he bid her goodbye and was on his way out the door. It was almost immediately after he had left that Jacob had joined her in the kitchen. He was for once fully dressed as he rubbed away the sleep in his eyes.

"Morning babe." Jacob spoke his voice ladled with sleep.

"Morning Jake, sleep well?" Veronica tried to still the inevitable by using small talk.

"I slept perfectly, until I realised you were no longer beside me. Why'd you leave so early?" Jacob whined as he slumped slightly so he could embrace Veronica from behind.

"I just wanted to bid my dad a good day and you looked so content." Veronica responded back as she placed her hands upon his own around her waist. But it was soon becoming time. Time when she would have to say goodbye to him not knowing if he would ever come back. Come home to her and to Matthew. This of course being signalled by the first of a collection of wolf howls.

"That's my signal." Jacob sighed out as he stood back up and started to make his way to the door.

"Let me walk you out." Veronica jumped at the moment. As she quickly rushed her way to where he stood just in front of the door. Veronica linked their hands as they walked out of the front door and onto the porch.

The pair came to a stop on the porch as neither made the effort to move on and separate. Veronica looked down to their linked hands before she separated them and moved onto throwing her arms around Jacob instead. She pulled him in close to her as her arms tightened around his neck and she took a moment to just print this time in her memories. Just in case. She could feel the tears gather and begin to fall as she took in the regard that this could be her last time in her soulmate's arms. Pulling back she didn't care that his last memory of her might be of her tear stained face and red eyes.

"Whatever happens, promise me you'll come home. That you'll come back to me. To us." Veronica begged her hand gripping onto the shirt he was wearing like it was the last thing holding him to her.

"Veronica, you know I can't promise you that." Jake started watching as more tears fell down her face he pressed their foreheads together. "I can't promise you anything but I will try my hardest to come back to you both. You guys are my entire life." He continued on.

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now