The graduation and the celebration

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Time seemed to fly by recently. For this morning Bella was due to graduate from high school. It didn't seem like nearly two years ago to Veronica that her elder sister had moved to forks. Yet here she was graduating from high school before moving half way across the country to college. Neither Veronica nor her father understood why Bella would choose Alaska of all places for College. All the clumsy brunette had complained about was the lack of sun in forks and how it rained so much. But Alaska was just as cold if not about 10 times as cold and it snowed very often so there wasn't more sun there than there was in forks. Veronica had assumed this was Bella's last effort to completely distance herself from the rest of the family. She had heard the school chatter that Edward Cullen was also going to college in Alaska. She should have known that considering that Bella couldn't seem to breathe without the vampire by her side that they would be frolicking off together into the sunset for college. Well, not quite into the sunset more of into the snow storm.

But she had gone past caring. Veronica knew the harsh truth that Bella didn't like nor care for her, the same going for Matthew. Bella only saw the pair of them as a means to an end and a contender for Jacob. It was stupid in Veronica's opinion as she watched on as her sister attempted to create her own little love triangle. But Jacob had never shown any romantic interest in Bella and he probably never would yet her sister was trying so desperately to do so. She had complained a lot about this to basically anyone who would listen. Her poor father getting the brunt of it upon an evening after Bella had once again had a go at Veronica for trying to steal Jacob from her. 

It had been just a typical day really, both sisters having been at school during the day and whilst Veronica went to collect Matthew from nursery, Bella and Edward went back to the swan residence to enjoy their hour and a half together before Charlie got home. And true to his promise Edward 'left' the house just before 5pm when Charlie would walk through the front door. Only this time he hadn't gone straight up to the older siblings room in the attic. He had actually left the premises. Veronica shrugged it off assuming it was nothing until she walked into the kitchen a little while later to see her sister cooking dinner for once. Bella only cooked dinner when she wanted to talk about something. Or accuse Veronica of doing something, after all that was about as far as their sibling conversations had ever gone. Bella had so far accused her of stealing money, doing drugs along with the boys on the reservation, and selling her own body. Accusations all of which had no foundation and Veronica didn't know where in her sisters mind this whole plan came from. What was she trying to do? Ruin Veronica's entire reputation and future prospects just because she had stepped in and raised her son on her behalf? 

Though Bella hadn't jumped straight on Veronica when she walked into the kitchen. Actually she had remained relatively quiet until the four swans were sat at the table that evening. Matthew in his high chair not being able to sit on the stools quite yet as they did not have a back and they were looking into getting him his own special chair so they didn't have to worry about him falling off. The four sat in almost silence other than the sounds of them eating, or in Matthew's case playing with his food. Until Bella had suddenly turned her attention towards Veronica. She had to hold her breath considering what she knew Bella to get like.

"So Veronica when are you going to stop chasing after Jacob?" Bella had started

"What do you mean chase after Jacob?" Veronica asked with confusion in her tone, she was not chasing after Jacob they were together no chasing required. 

"Can't you see he's in love with me?" Bella announced like it was some widely known fact and Veronica let out a snort of laughter. Her Jacob in love with Bella, there was no chance. 

"I don't know what planet you're living on Bella, but I'm almost 1000% positive Jacob isn't in love with you. It shouldn't matter anyways because you have your precious Edward. Don't you?" Veronica spun the question onto her sister. 

The life and lies of Matty and I - J.BlackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora