The bikes and a small family

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The weeks would pass with very little change in the current ongoings in both the household of the Swan family and the emotional wellbeing of its inhabitants. Isabella Swan showed no further signs of being able to push past the trauma she had developed from her relationship with Edward still unable to even voice that she had experienced a trauma in the first place. 

That was until one day at the end of November. With no advanced warning that Bella was even starting to accumulate to what had happened to her nor make any adjustments to returning to a slightly more normal life like she had lived prior, Bella seemed to suddenly start to push forwards. It was as though she had never gone through what had happened and had just reversed the time upon herself and returned to the character she was prior to the breakup in the woods. Something though at first seemed like it could have been a good thing, only worried those around her even more, nothing good could come out of ignoring everything that had happened. Veronica worried that her sister would just snap one day, having been pushed too far and all the change she had experienced without actually adapting to or taking the time to try and learn how to continue would lead the older girl to breaking point. And nobody would be able to bring her back from that point. Not even if her beloved Edward would make a sudden magical return. Not that anyone expected him to, potentially not even Bella. 

Bella had chosen to head out shopping with Jessica Stanley one Saturday morning. It was out of the blue considering the girls did not seem to be friends at all in that present moment in time, but if it was what Bella needed to start to move on and past what happened and forge a future for herself there was no chance that either Charlie or Veronica were going to stop her. There were worst people the girl could make friends with than Jessica Stanley. Sure the girl was a bit over dramatic and would most likely never leave the small town popular girl stereotype but she was safe, she was relatively calm and she would be able to bring Bella out of her shell in a reasonable manner. Out of everyone Bella could have chosen to pick to be her friend as she came out of the place she had been trapped in, Jessica was a good option. 

And as Bella spent more time with Jessica and seemed to be starting to heal properly, Veronica chose to not overly pay attention to her older sister. The girl seemed to be doing better when her family was not breathing down her back and watching her every movement. And Jessica seemed to be doing a good job at watching out for Bella so Veronica allowed the girls their time aware that if her sister needed support she probably wouldn't go to Veronica anyways. But she left the branch out for her to take regardless. Therefore, the days slowly ebbed into December, Veronica only looked from the corner of her eyes at to what Bella was doing. She paid her sister little attention allowing the girl to do whatever she wanted as long as she remained safe. And most importantly kept Matthew out of it. Therefore, when Bella shuffled into the kitchen one evening and only stood there in the middle of the room not doing anything before turning on the spot and leaving, she thought little of it. Bella had picked up some unusual habits since she had come out from the locked in state she had previously been in, and Veronica allowed her sister to continue on as long as she was better. 

"What was that about?" Jacob turned to Veronica and questioned, his previous topic of conversation long since forgotten as he lamented over the strange behaviour he had witnessed for the first time. 

"I'm not sure but I'm just leaving her to it." Veronica shrugged back in response, her attitude showing very little concern for what she had witnessed and further evidence that the teenaged boy should probably do the same. After all Jacob didn't really want to get caught between the two sisters unless he thought it was for a genuine reason. 

It wouldn't be for a few days that Veronica would work out just why Bella had been acting stranger than usual in the kitchen. As as usual, or what seemed to be forming the usual pattern forming, Veronica was the last to find anything out. She had checked her phone for new messages shortly after getting herself ready for the day to see a bunch of texts she had not opened. Most of them were from a the softball team as they planned their next team bonding activity. Yet there were a few which didn't exactly make sense from some of her friends on the Reservation. And she supposed she would only get answers when she went over there that afternoon. 

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