8. Protection

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Emée's Point of View

Once again, I was alone. I had sent the letter yesterday, right before going to sleep and since it was already the beginning of the afternoon I assumed he would have received it by now.

I had walked quite a long time, the journey had been tiring because I wasn't used to so much exercise anymore. Fortunately, I hadn't seen anyone.

The emptiness of the forest had calmed me. Sometimes, loneliness was my best friend and my worst enemy. Walking calmed my raging thoughts. I looked at the nature, more diverse than ever at this season of the year. Trees were green, there were flowers and fruits in the bushes, I was lucky it was a good time to live in the cabin. Snow was the worst and the cold forced you to wake up in the middle of the night to fuel the fire or you would die from the harsh temperatures.

My old cabin had remained untouched. Nobody was meant to settle in it so I had left little furniture and covered it with drapes. I was glad I hadn't taken everything when I moved away.

Looking at it again, I understood why I left it so quickly. The cabin wasn't bigger than my current living-room. We could say that it had some charm to it, it was entirely made of wood and even if it was a bit age worn, with some lanterns it was quite cozy. The interior wasn't as appealing though, a single old bed no so comfortable, a table, a basin where I retrieved water at a lake nearby, a sort of fireplace I had built with some rocks and a cupboard where I stored the food out of reach for the animals and the insects.

Ah! The insects! I hadn't missed them and they creeped me immensely, especially spiders who easily made their way between the holes of the parquet. Parquet was a big word for boards of wood aligned in a strange way. I had tried to make repairs on multiple occasions but I didn't have enough tools and the daily chores I had to do in order to survive already took up most of my day.

I unwrapped all the furniture and started to dust a bit. It wouldn't be dark before a few hours but I knew from past experiences that the sooner water and wood were found, the better. I put everything that was in my luggage in its right place and took the bucket that was once destined for clean water. I was back to my old routine because of a crazy story involving a demon, a hero and a kiss. It sounded like the beginning of a bad joke.

Coming back here also meant saying goodbye to the beautiful whiteness of my dresses, I couldn't keep them away from the dirt for more than a few hours. I took the bucket and left the cabin, locking it as best as I could.

I went down the familiar path that led to the lake I used to take water, picking some berries on the way. I used to have a vegetable garden on what I called my garden but I abandoned it when I left and I couldn't start a new one where I lived because I didn't have a single spot of grass or earth. I had always been close to nature and gardening was one of the things I missed but now with the market and with my work, my life had taken a whole other rhythm. Things were generally easier but I never found the inner peace I always had in the cabin.

The lake was a beautiful place on hot days. The water was very clear and shined with the sun rays. There was small waterfall with a cavern behind where the water was turquoise. The lake was down a small path, it was pretty tricky but I managed. There were nice pine trees and the vegetation had grown since I last came here. The lake then fueled a river to which I had spent some afternoons, just listening to the sound of water.

On the way back, I started thinking about Léni. I still knew nothing about his intentions, I didn't know if he would still look for me despite my letter. Did he really think I was in danger because of Alexandre or was he lying?

It was too late to think about it now, I was back to my old life and nobody could find me here.

The sun was starting to set, I hurried home because I still had to stock wood for the night. When I arrived, the first thing I noticed was that my door was slightly open. I became alert immediately. I slowly pushed it further and saw Léni sitting on my bed. I almost dropped my bucket.

He stood up and said: "Let me help you." He took the bucket and the berries from my hands and put them on the table. I was still too dumbfounded to do or say anything. I stood there, mouth agape and wondering how he had found me. I spoke too fast.

"Don't worry I am not here to hurt you, I want to protect you from Alexandre, remember? King Rédi didn't... I am here anyway. I know you asked me to stay away in your letter but I couldn't bring myself to leave you alone when he is still free."

I was beyond confused, perhaps his intentions weren't wrong?

"I retrieved some wood for the fire, I saw you didn't have any." He said, the most naturally in the world. "Come on, don't stand there, we'll talk inside."

He took one of my hands in his and pushed gently the small of my back with his other one. His gesture surprised me, I wasn't used to so much physical contact. It was a funny thing, my job consisted of touching people so that I could heal them, which led some to think that I was some kind of prostitute, but outside of my job it was a rare occurrence for me to touch another creature.

I noticed that, despite his intrusion, I was being very impolite.

"Please, sit down." I showed him the unique chair. "Would you like something to drink or eat?" I asked.

"No thank you very much Emée." I liked the way he often said my name in his sentences. "I believe I owe you some explanations."

He gestured for the bed and I sat down.

"I went to look for King Rédi this morning but he refused to hear you. Alexandre has already been released and I believe he is looking for you. I'm glad I found you before him."

I was in a state of shock. So it was real now, the demon was free and he wanted a kiss.

"I then received your letter, I know you're independent but he would have found you eventually. He is powerful. Fortunately, I was one step ahead with your letter and I knew you had moved."

"How did you find me?" I was curious, nobody knew of this place.

"I saw Queen Vani in emergency. She said you had lived here some time before moving in Angel territory. I'm really glad I found you, I think Bali is also working with him."

"Bali... As in Queen Bali?"

"Yes, she spies on the heroes' matters."

I was lost for words. It felt like I had been so ignorant to the world for so long. I asked myself what I was going to do now, I didn't really have a choice.

"Well, I guess you're welcome to stay here. Although I don't have much as you have noticed."

"Don't worry, I have packed a few things. The floor will be fine and I'll help you with the house." He assured.

I wanted to ask him why he was doing this but I was afraid it would cause him to leave and even if I still doubted his protection was necessary, he was a good company.

"I have a spare mattress I can give you." Okay Emée, you really have to make bigger sentences if you don't want to sound so dumb.

"Perfect, I'll get started on the meal."

He looked so at ease in my own home, it was disturbing. I didn't understand how someone could be so cool about living in a small cabin when just a few hours before, he was sleeping in a royal bed! People like him impressed me, I was such an awkward girl, it was in my nature not to fit in anywhere.

Léni was starting the fire to make some rice when he turned around to look at me and smiled at me. He was so beautiful... A true hero.

"Get some rest, you must be tired from all the walking."

I didn't protest and relaxed against the wall behind my bed, legs folded against me. I didn't really mind looking at him while he was preparing our meal. Léni was one of the most handsome man I had ever seen, his suit hugged muscles perfectly, probably acquired during the training sessions the heroes regularly had. I noticed that he didn't have many ornaments, just a few simple ones. Perhaps he didn't want to be recognized or lose them in the forest again.

But one thing still scared me, I felt like I had trusted him so easily it was disturbing. I didn't really know this man but I could give him my life. And that feeling scared me.

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