22. Judgment

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Emée's Point of View

"Are you ready?" Léni asked me.

We were about to get out, next to the front door. Léni was making sure everything was alright, he had briefed me a bit on how a trial usually went but even he wasn't so sure about that. It wasn't everyday that a creature who already had a scar was judged for the second time, for a mischief that was as bad as kidnapping.

"Yes, I have everything. Don't worry Léni, we can go now."

I still wore the same dress as this morning and Léni had put on a black suit buttoned up until his neck with his silver ornaments that popped out on the dark material. He wasn't King yet so I knew he wouldn't be the one judging Alexandre but I was still curious at how he was going to maintain his neutrality while being in the position he was in.

Léni had warned me about not being too eager to tell everything at once because people wouldn't process the information fully and they would think it was a made-up story. According to him, today's goal was to make Alexandre guilty of kidnapping and abuse. The process was going to take several days and I would tell my story day by day.

I didn't like that. Léni was also worried that this would make me relive things I didn't really want to think about anymore. But he had faith in me, he said I was strong and even if I didn't fully believe him, I would do it for him. I wouldn't feel guilty anymore.

Léni opened the front door and let me get out first, closing and locking the door behind us. It was the first time I was seeing the house from outside and it was just as beautiful as from inside. I could see balconies and many big windows and absolutely everything was made of the same clear wood as the walls. I wondered how they did to keep such a bright color with rain, sun and dirt.

"The house is very beautiful." I commented, not wanting to talk about what was going to happen in a few hours right away.

"Thank you, we built it a long time ago with some friends I had when I was still training to be a guard. Years after, it was falling to pieces but I recently renovated it and made it quite bigger than the original. It was a lot of work but definitely worth it."

"Wow, impressive!" I was almost jealous of how a man like him managed to be good at everything, from his hands to his brain, when I could only use my lips to please people.

"Come on, let's go! It's this way."

Léni showed the path while I followed behind. We had to walk there because the horses had been taken by Ariane, Sébastien and Jasmine this morning but fortunately it wasn't far and the trail was clear of obstacles. Otherwise, I wouldn't have lasted long in a dress.

"What did you do before being an advisor and a Prince?" I was curious, he hadn't mentioned being a guard before.

"When I first arrived at the Alderia, I went to training just like every hero and since I was quite good, I quickly became a royal guard, just like Ariane and Jasmine are. That meant spending a lot of time with the King and from observing him, assisting to trials, I learned many things. So one day, I felt ready for some change and asked him if I could be trained to be an advisor. Since he trusted me, he accepted and from the knowledge I had accumulated on laws, I was a royal advisor pretty soon after. And one day he asked me if I ever felt ready to one day rule the Alderia. I was hesitant at first because it meant so much responsibility but King Rédi said the ones who aren't looking for power are the ones who should get it because they will never abuse from it. So here I am, officially the next Prince!"

"That's a much longer story than what you told me last time! Do you know how many trials you have been to?"

"So many! However, I had never convened the same person twice until today. But don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine, there are many people on your side." I was sure he was telling me that to make me calmer but deep down Alexandre had the right to a defense.

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