18. Husband and wife

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Emée's Point of View

The wooden doors split in two in front of me, two guards standing on the sides. A slow marche started to play and Marie motioned me to start moving forward. So I took one small step after the other, my body was reluctant to meet my fate.

From where I was, the size of the room was more impressive than ever. The alley where Alexandre was standing at the end was interminably long but I wished it stretched out for kilometers again. Many people were standing on both sides of the room, all looking at me. I had never seen any of them and they were probably curious to see who was wed with such a grand marriage.

It looked like the benches were polished and varnished the day before from how shiny they  were. They were decorated with alternating red and white roses and pieces of silk, accentuating the sophistication of the room. The carpet I was walking on was red as well and covered the black and white chess-like floor tiles I liked so much and extended until the steps where Queen Bali and Alexandre were waiting for me on a pedestal. And if that wasn't enough, the chandeliers had new additions to them: glass flowers hung from them, they weren't real probably to avoid a fire.

Marie was right: there were definitely less guards than in the throne room, for a reason I didn't quite get. There were two of them a the entrance and about ten scattered around the room. It was quite surprising for an event that basically gathered all the royalty of the Alderia but I believed Léni had something to do with it.

I hadn't seen him yet. For now, I only received curious glances of people perhaps wondering why I had cut my hair. It felt weird to have it brush the back of my neck as I moved my head. I continued to advance, little by little through outfits and decorations, I could see the most influential people in every territory. And finally, the royals. They were seated behind the little scene but at the same height.

I was dying to look at him, my hands were sweaty and I was fiddling with my ring. My throat was dry, my heart felt like exploding and my legs were trying hard not to make me trip while I climbed the steps. But once I reached the top, I didn't turn to Alexandre as my eyes immediately found the ones of the man who had captured my heart.

Léni was magnificent in his ornamented suit and looked like a true King. He was looking at me as well but I couldn't tell what he was thinking as for me, I was sure my despair was clear in my gaze. I was lost my own little world of contemplation, I knew Marie was probably getting angry, Alexandre impatient and everyone else confused but how could I take my eyes off the best dream I've ever had?

He looked spectacularly handsome in royal blue, his brown eyes were undecipherable but his gaze felt... soft. I only wished for him to be standing at my right, and not that demon. Léni's brown hair also looked more silky than ever, probably thanks to the care it wasn't getting when we were in the cabin. His strong arms were set on the armrests of his seat, which looked much richer and comfortable than the benches, his tan hands firmly gripping the ends. He hadn't shaved for a few days, his beard was growing just like when we were together but still looked perfectly trimmed.

Léni was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on.

I was broken out from my reverie with Alexandre's hand firmly grasping my wrist and turning me to him by force. I looked at him as if to defy him because I knew that for now, and hopefully forever, he wouldn't be able to do anything even with the infinite amount of hatred I could see in his blue eyes. He took my hands in his and whispered "Behave" though gritted teeth.

It was now time for the Queen to start her speech and seal our union. I knew no one would prevent this but for some unhealthy reason, I was still hopeful.

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