12. Meeting at the royal court

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Emée's Point of View

I woke up feeling too warm and still tired. The bed was comfortable but it's like my body knew I was a prisoner and wouldn't give me a rest until I escaped. My lunch had been brought on a tray, meaning that Alexandre would be there in a short time.

I tried to sit up but felt something cold on my ankle. I took the covers off me and saw that my leg had been chained to the bed. What. The. Hell.

I brought my leg closer to the bedpost so that I could sit and looked at the thing. Why did he do that? Wasn't I locked in anyway? How was I supposed to go to the bathroom now?

The thick bracelet was made of metal and to unlock it, you obviously had to have the key. It was still cold so it hadn't been a long time since he came. The chain went around one of the bars of the bed and was closed with a lock. There was no way I would be able to take that thing off.

I brought the tray closer to me and ate what was on it. It was some tomato and cheese pie, very good but even though I usually didn't eat a lot, that seemed like a small portion for me. Maybe he thought that starving me would make me more obedient.

I was now waiting for him, like a good animal. He had succeed in making me look like a loving wife and was turning me into a brainless one. The more I thought about it, the more it hurt to know that I was so powerless. I was too coward to fight.

The only thing that prevented me from giving him what he wanted was the fact that he would go to such extents just to erase a scar. You wouldn't do that if you weren't planning something that could possibly get you another one, meaning being banned from the Alderia. So his connections with Bali wouldn't even be enough to cover up his actions...

I heard the door being unlocked. Alexandre walked in, locked the door and turned to me. He really was paranoid.

"Hello again, beautiful." He chanted in an ironic voice.

"Why am I attached to the bed? Are you afraid I will unlock the door with my thoughts?"

"Very funny, no let's just say it's... supplementary precautions. Get ready we're going to my office and don't forget: you're mute." He took the chain off my foot and I went to the bathroom to get ready. I put the shoes back on and arranged the clothes that were a bit wrinkled from my nap.

"Follow me." He took my hand and led me through corridors again, similar to the ones I saw this morning but not going in the same direction. This castle was a maze and a nightmare for me.

We arrived at his office and I understood how important his status was in the castle with the size of it. There was a sort of entrance with a black sofa on a red carpet and a shelf with books at the end of the corridor. Once we turned left, there were huge windows with an impressive sight on the royal gardens that almost brought a feeling of dizziness. The wooden office was facing the view and there were sofas all around the place. The bright, glassy atmosphere was much more different than the one in the entrance. There even was a dining table!

"Impressive, isn't it?" He asked cockily. "It's the biggest office, after Bali's of course." I frowned, nobody ever called their ruler without their title unless they were very close to them or it was seen as disrespectful.

"We have some things to talk about." He took my wrist and forcefully pulled me to a sofa. "Don't be difficult now."

I fell on my behind and he started pacing in front of me. "Well, Bali has some guests today that you might know of." He smirked, that I knew of? "My presence is requested and so is yours. However, I do not want you to talk or make eye contact or make any sound that could bring their attention to you, am I clear?"

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