Chapter 30

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10th July, 2020

Eram's cast was finally removed and she was free to use her right hand as well. She was beyond happy to have her cast removed and she was using her hand with so much joy. Not being able to use her hand for a long time had made her feel as if she didn't have one, and now that her cast was removed, she felt blessed to have hands to help herself.

She kept thanking her Rabb to have blessed her with basic things that so many other people lacked. She kept looking at her hand in astonishment, and every time she used her right hand, she was reminded of how she had lost her ability to use her hand temporarily, and she couldn't help but whisper a silent 'Alhamdulillah' to have her ability to use it back.

She was able to move her legs pretty much as well but she still wasn't able to walk properly though. Every day she was practicing to stand on her own feets and walk, but a little walking and she would already feel exhausted. It was taking up most of her energy, tiring her without much efforts.

The same was the case with her relationship with Shumail. A little progress and then a sudden halt. Shumail wasn't ready. He was insecure and was afraid to trust again, and she felt it was her fault that she couldn't make him believe in her. She felt she should have been clear with him from the very beginning. She should have given him the assurance that she believed in him and trusted him, but she failed. The reactions of her actions were starting to take a toll on her, and she felt she was beginning to lose her energy and confidence to win Shumail back.

She wasn't sure how long she was going to hold onto their relationship anymore. Her heart hurt and her confidence was beginning to waver.

It wouldn't be too long until she finally gives up and return back to her world, far away from Shumail and his memories.

Eram sighed and shaking her head, she tried to get herself back on what she was doing. It was on one particular evening that she was in the kitchen, trying to arrange some snacks for Shumail, when her brother walked in.

"What are you doing, aapi?" Zain asked. She looked back at him and gave him a smile.

"Your Shumail bhai will be back from office in some time. I'm arranging some snacks for him." She answered. "You want some?"

"But bhai said he will be late." Zain answered, his lips pressed in a thin line.

"When? He didn't say anything to me." Eram's forehead was creased in confusion.

"He just gave a call on the landline and told me to inform you." He said.

"He told you to inform me?" Eram asked with raised eyebrows and her brother nodded. "Ohk." She nodded, putting up a smile.

"I have some homework remaining. I'll get it done." Her brother excused himself and walked away, leaving her behind. She slowly pushed the wheels of her chair and headed out of the kitchen, to go to her room.

Since her accident, as she was unable to walk, her belongings were shifted to the room beside the staircase, and not to let her brother have any suspicion of them not being together, Shumail had shifted his few belongings in that room as well, which they were sharing temporarily. It was a pretty decent room, but it lacked Shumail's scent and touch. Eram felt herself comfortable in his room, but not wanting to trouble him for carrying her to the room upstairs all the time, she kept silent.

Once in the room, she closed the door shut and began to push the wheels to go to the closet. Taking her diary from the closet, where she have it hidden, she began to wheel her chair back towards the bed. After Shumail disappeared without even a word a year ago, Eram was left with nothing. How much ever she tried, she couldn't reach him.

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