Chapter 4 - Fire and Ice

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THAT NIGHT, I DECIDED TO GO TO ONE OF OUR BISTROS.  Other than hotel chains, we also have a lot of restaurants and bistros scattered around the country.  I am already starving, and I need a quick fix and have some time for myself. It has been a long day full of meetings.  Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing.  I saw my mom's photo flashing on my phone.

           "Hi, Ma! What's up?" I answered.

          "Where are you, it's already 9 P.M. Have you had dinner? I already cooked for you."

"Wow Ma, that's a treat!  I thought you ordered Chinese food again!"  I teased.

"Thanks though, but I just decided to head here to Phil's Bistro instead of going home.  Don't worry about me. Go get some rest and sleep."

"I have been resting the whole day, Tristan. I don't need to go to bed early. I'll probably just wait for you, then. By the way, Krista kept on calling and was looking for you.  Why are you not answering her calls?

"She is a nice girl, Tristan. I am telling you, treat her well. I don't want to burn bridges with the Romualdez Clan. I like her, you look great together."  She said in a demanding voice.

"Ma, here we go again! You can't force me to like all these girls that you keep on shoving at me."  I replied frustrated.

           "But Tristan, I'm just worried about you. You have been playing around too much! Imagine, a different girl almost every month! You are starting to build a bad reputation!"  She scolded.

           "Ma, I know what I'm doing.  I'm already tired of this nonsense. Go to sleep, do not wait for me! Love you!" I clicked the end button without waiting for her response.

As soon as I entered the Bistro, the hostess already recognized me and led me to my favorite section of the restaurant. I asked for Phil, but she said he did not come tonight. I want to have a chat with him regarding the Bistro.  I know business is doing good and I am thinking of opening a new branch in another location.

Phil is a chef turned entrepreneur. When he approached me to be his partner, I did not hesitate at all and gave him my full support. We expanded recently and now have a new cozy wing of the restaurant.  He told me that he just hired some new staff a week ago.

"Sir, here's your menu. Alecx will be right with you shortly."  I nodded at her and just placed the menu beside me. I already know what I want. I decided to look at the wine list and settled to get the Blue Vin Riesling.

"Good evening, Sir! I am Alecx and I'm going to be your server tonight. What can I start you with? For our drinks, we have a variety of wines, beers, and even non-alcoholic beverages. But I saw that you're already looking at our wine list." She smiled politely.

          I cannot believe who is in front of me! I just saw her this morning and for the second time today, I'm in complete awe of her beauty. The Gods are definitely in my favor! How lucky can I be?

"You already read me!" I said.  She flashed a wide smile with my comment, and I can see her perfect white teeth.  Upfront, she is even more beautiful. She has these tiny dimples, and her cheeks are a little flushed.  She is the combination of sexy and cute. 

"I'll have the Blue Vin Riesling.  I'm also ready to order.  I am starving!  Give me the shrimp scampi linguine with a side of lobster. I want lemon and butter with it."  I said while staring at her.

            "Great choice, Sir!  I'll try to bring your order fast! Anything else that you want?"

"You. I want you."  Her smile suddenly disappeared, and I saw her forehead wrinkled as if she did not hear what I said.

          "Er, excuse me, Sir, I didn't clearly hear what you said. Come again?"  She asked.

I leaned over to her and whispered in her ear, "I said I want you."

She suddenly switched from a smiling angel to a fierce creature ready for battle.  Her forehead was still wrinkled and she had this dark angry look in her brown eyes.  Those eyes are so expressive!

"Sir, if we were just outside, I would have slapped your face. We don't tolerate this kind of behavior in this restaurant!" She said, sounding very annoyed.

"I am trying to control myself because I'm just a new hire and I need this job.  If you are going to treat me like this, then, I'll turn you over to a different server."  She quickly turned and was about to march back to the kitchen when I suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Alecx, wait! I want you to be my server. I am sorry if I'm too blunt but that's what I really feel." I said apologetically.

"By the way, how's your hand?" I am still holding her hand tightly and I can feel the softness of her palm. She is trying to remove it from my strong grip, but I'm not letting her.

I stood up and with my 6-foot height, I was towering over her.  I looked at her hand and I saw a small bruise at the back of her hand, and I was about to kiss it, but she was able to snatch it fast.

Her forehead wrinkled more and she has this irritated look on her face.  I am sure she is about to explode and I'm enjoying this!

"I saw you banged your hand from the elevator this morning. I just want to make sure you didn't hurt it." I smiled sheepishly.

"Are you stalking me? You pervert!" And with that, she walked fast towards the kitchen. I still have a wide grin on my face.

She did not come back and instead, the manager was the one who brought my dinner. He apologized and said that Alecx has to be moved to a different section and he will take care of me for the rest of the evening.

I did not complain anymore as I am also hungry and cannot wait to dive into my dinner.  She probably had enough of me for tonight.  But I still want to know more about her so as soon as I am done with my dinner, I stayed longer and had two more drinks.

I made sure she did not leave my sight the whole evening.  I saw her getting busy serving the new section.  I was starting to feel sleepy, probably because of the wine; but I wanted to wait for her until she's finished with her shift.

         It was 11 PM and I went out at the back door.  I know she is about to clock out and employees usually go out this way.  In no time, I saw her heading out and I was about to approach her to apologize but she did not see me and went towards the parking lot.

As I followed her, I saw her stop in front of an old silver car and the guy from the Graphics Design Department went out of the car and hugged her. Again, there is a twinge of jealousy inside me that I cannot explain.

I was about to walk away and leave them alone when I saw her and the guy suddenly looked in my direction.  The guy approached me and she followed him.

"Mr. Montecarlo?" He asked.  I nodded at him.

"Hi, I'm Paul Rivera. I am one of your new employees in the Graphics Design Department."  He said politely.

He extended his hand to me.  Alecx was frowning behind him as soon as I shook Paul's hand.

"Oh, by the way, I would like you to meet my ...." Alecx suddenly cut him off and proudly said, "His fiancée. I'm Alecx, his fiancée."

I can see Paul stared at her incredulously and was about to say something when Alecx cut him off again.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Montecarlo, but we have to go, it's already late. You do not want Paul to be late tomorrow at work. I heard you don't like tardy people. Come on, Honey! Let's go!" She said in litany.

She grabbed Paul's hand and led him fast to the silver car. I can still see Paul looking bewildered, but she already went inside the car and they drove away.

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