Chapter 20 - Fab Four

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I WAS READY WHEN CARLA PICKED ME UP TO GO TO THE BAR. I decided to wear a black mini bodycon dress that complimented my curves. I paired it with silver ankle strap open heels to make my legs longer. Even though it is nighttime, I just put on some eye makeup, applied some pressed powder and lipstick. I do not like wearing heavy makeup. My face easily gets flushed and does not need any cheek tint.

"Wow, Bes! You look hot!" She exclaimed as soon as I stepped out of my flat.

"You, too!" I complimented back. Carla was wearing a red halter top and skinny jeans. She paired it with nude heels.

It was nice weather and the lounge bar is just a couple of blocks away from my flat, so we decided to walk. Even though we are both wearing heels, we do not care! We are ramp models tonight!

"Raine and Jill are already in the lounge. They just texted me. It is packed since it's Friday, but they already made reservations for us." Carla said.

"How about Raffy and Jake?" I asked her.

"They cannot make it tonight. It is their Boss' birthday party. I told them they can follow us after, but I doubt it." Carla replied.

"So, it is all girls' night out tonight! This will be fun!" I said excitedly.

"Yes! We are the Fab Four tonight!" Carla exclaimed.

As soon as Raine saw us arrive in the lounge, he ran to us screaming. People of course were all looking at us wondering what was going on. They do not know that our crazy friend just cannot contain his excitement.

"Wow, Girls! You both look gorgeous! We have hot sexy mommas in the house! Woot woot!" He shouted. Jill hit him playfully in the head.

"Reynaldo, you are too loud! Tone it down!" Jill said to him.

"Hey, Jillian! Do not call me that or else I will shove your face on the ground!" Raine said, irritated. He does not want us calling him by his real name in public.

Carla and I laughed at his remark while Jill just hit him again on the head.

"Ok that's enough! While we are waiting for our table, let's just get some drinks at the bar. Let's get the party started!" I exclaimed.

"Wow Alecx, is that you? Carla, did you give her drugs? Is she already high?" Raine said jokingly.

"You retard! I just want to enjoy and have fun! Is there anything wrong with that?" I smirked at him.

"Well, if that's what you want, we are down with that!" Jill butted in excitedly.

"By the way, Jill and I have a surprise for you! Pack your bags tonight when you go home. We are going to The Hamptons this weekend!" Raine exclaimed.

"We are organizing a media event for one of the new social apps that is about to launch soon! Raine and I already booked a villa so we can stay there overnight!" Jill said while clapping her hands.

"Raffy and Jake will call you tomorrow to pick you up. The event will start at 3 PM, but Jill and I need to be there by noontime." Raine added.

"Wow! I was just dreaming of a weekend getaway, and you already made it happen! I need this! Love you, Guys!" I hugged Raine and Jill excitedly. This is the way to move on!

We already had 2 rounds of Cosmopolitan's before we got a table. I ordered a whole bottle of Cuervo for our next round of drinks.

"Hey, Alecx! Are you sure about Cuervo? You are mixing drinks, girl! You will get drunk soon! I cannot carry you home!" Carla said worriedly.

"Wow, Bes! You are acting like my mother! Don't worry, you don't have to carry me. We can get a cab!" I teased her.

"Come on! Let's do shots!" I shouted while grinning sheepishly. I placed all the four shot glasses on the table and started pouring the tequila. The lemon and saltshaker were also ready on the side.

"Hey, Alecxandra! You have been acting weird the past couple of days! Are you sure you're, ok? What's going on with you?" Jill said, wondering.

"I agree! I noticed that, too. Spill it out! Do not lie!" Raine said curiously.

"You moron! Can't you see, she is broken-hearted!" Carla replied.

"What?! How can she be broken-hearted? She does not even have a boyfriend?!" Jill exclaimed.

"Wait, don't tell me you and Raffy are together!? I will slap you on the face for hiding that to us! You are sneaky!" Raine said accusingly.

"What are you talking about?! How can that be? Raffy is like my brother. That's incest!" I said irritated.

"But he doesn't feel the same way. Raffy likes you a lot. Can't you tell? You are pretty dense, Alecx." Jill replied.

"I already told her about that a hundred times, and she does not believe me." Carla said in a resigned tone.

"Can we please not talk about that? Let's just drink, okay?" I poured tequila again and we continued to do shots one after the other until we finished the whole bottle.

I already felt buzzed, but a good kind of tipsy. Not to the point of puking yet. Just the happy, carefree drunk who is not afraid to do anything.

"Wait, let me get another round of drinks." Raine said and went to the bar.

Carla, Jill, and I were all in a crazy mood by this time. The effect of alcohol was already running in our system. We were goofing around, laughing, and having nonsense conversations. Raine suddenly came back beaming with excitement with another bottle of Cuervo in his hand. But I cannot believe who he is holding on to with his other arm!

"Girls, you will not believe who I just bumped into! Mr. Tristan Montecarlo!" He said in excitement.

Tristan looked at the three of us and then, eventually fixed his gaze at me. He has a big smile plastered on his face. Now I am sure, God is playing tricks on me....


To Be Continued....

I'll be uploading the next chapters within the next couple of days.

Please feel free to comment regarding what you think of the story so far....

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