i need to stop this

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Now knowing my best friend was trying to kill me I needed a confirmation that Jim was also on the team. So I called her. Acted like I didn't know shit which also meant, going behind my teams back. No one knew I was doing this, but it needed to be done.

"Hey lils"

She wasn't built to kill, she was only a small city detective, not a murder "H-hey Mads"

"So I'm thinking about visiting"

"I'm not in town" She quickly answered me

"Oh shit, where are you"

"I'm actually in D.C. I'm here for a seminar on organized crime" The bitch was lying straight through her teeth

"Are you free anytime soon?"

"Tonight actually"

"Meet me at the diner on Travis Street at 6, I'll send the address"


I went back into the briefing room

"What are we going to do now that we know it's Lily?"

"I don't know Garcia" I was lying but I knew how to hide that from the team. Only hoping a security guard doesn't catch me sneaking out with a loaded gun that is only supposed to be used on missions.


It was 5 when I started getting ready, Spencer went to his apartment with a guard to grab clothes, it was my chance to go. I walked out of the room and pointed to the elevator "Oh I'm going to the gym."

"Okay" The cop said.

Before I left, I left a small post it note on Spencer's desk, it read "I need to stop this"

I went in the elevator making sure no one was following me. I got to my office and reached in my closet. There was a safe my dad kept in there, it had a loaded handgun and a back holster. I could strap it to my back and no one would see it. I unbuttoned my black jeans and attached the holster, buttoning my pants back up and laying the black sweater over. Before walking out I looked at a picture I had of Reid and I on the desk, letting out a heavy breath, I walked out.

The gym had a small backdoor for air to come in, I snuck out and took a bureau car. Driving there I got a text from Reid

I'll be there in a 5 minutes


I felt bad knowing he would go back and I wouldn't be there, it hurt but letting them win hurt more.

-Spencer's POV-

I got back into that room thinking Madeline would be there, she was nowhere to be found. I went into the BAU and saw a small pink post it on my computer. I knew it was her because she would only use pink post its even though I had every other color. In fact I had to buy pink post its more than any other color

"I need to stop this" No. No. NO.

I ran up the stairs and into the briefing room "Garcia pull up the cameras in the Director's office"

"Why" She said as she typed away

"Uh- Mad- Madeline isn't here"

"Oh my god"


"She left through those gym doors"

Next thing I knew the rest of the team was in the briefing room. I stepped out, and called her.

-Madeline's POV-

When I got to the diner it was 5:45, and the one thing I didn't want to happen happened.

"Hi Spencer"

"Madeline, I'm not gonna ask you where you are because I know you won't tell me. Please be careful, I saw you took your dad's gun. I love you."

His voice was shaky and I knew he wanted to cry, "Spencer I'm so sorry but I have to stop this"

"I know but we can do it as a team"

"I don't need people getting hurt"

"It's no better if you die"

I saw Lily's car pull up, "I love you, I have to go"


I hung up before I could hear his cry, I saw Lily and put on a smile.

"Hey Lils"

"Uh hey"

We got a seat in the diner, I ordered a coke, she ordered a piece of pie. When Lily was nervous she ate. So she's nervous, which means, I'm not coming out of this alive or I'm not going back to the BAU tonight.

I didn't need any more surprises tonight, scanning every move she made was my job.

"So how's the job"

"I quit" She said

"What why"

"I never got moved up"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"Bureau hiring?" She questioned

"We always are" I chuckled out

"Cool. Cool"

-Spencer's POV-

"I put a tap in her phone when this started, I can see and hear any conversation she's had" Garcia spoke

"Do it" I said

That's when I heard Madeline speaking with Lily, they organized to meet.

"Okay let's go" Morgan called out to Hotch

"Address is in your phones"

-Madeline's POV-

We had finished everything when I suggested we leave,

"Yeah definitely lets go" She said with a smile

We walked out the doors and I knew this was either where I would die or get taken, I was almost to the bureau vehicle when a man's hand slipped over my mouth and lifted me up.

I rolled my eyes, and fought back, that's when I turned around to see who it was. They had a mask on, what kinda scooby doo shit is this? I got them in a headlock, stomping on the back of their leg. I play dirty in the field, especially if you're trying way too hard.

Whilst in this fight, my phone kept buzzing and I knew who it was.

-Spencer's POV-

I texted Madeline about 4 times.

We're on our way

Maddy please don't act on anything

Wait for backup

I love you

No response, I knew she got into some kind of trouble but how bad was it. I knew she chose a diner 30 minutes away for a reason, she wanted to get kidnapped, she would know more like that. She was smart but the way she was handling this wasn't.

I just hoped she was okay.

-Madeline's POV-

I tried and tried to get this mask off this guy. Until I felt plastic zip ties hit my wrist.

"Hi Maddy," Mia said, "Well you won't need that" She said, throwing my dad's gun to the floor.

That's when the man with the mask finally revealed his identity.




Feel free to ask any question, personal or to do with the story, and I mean ANY question. I'm an open book baby!

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