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Description of last chapter if you skipped it: The team arrived at the local pd. Madeline is introduced to a victim of rape, Jenny Mendoza. William Kins, a lead detective on the case, believes her story is fake. He also believes she was asking for it. Madeline learns the important detail of her experience, she was wearing a pink bikini when it happened. Jenny is what the surrogates of the women represent.  We are introduced to a new character, Isabella, a 16 year old who was raped by a different offender. Madeline believes the case is serial. 


"FBI Put your hands up" Hotch yelled as we broke down the door to our unsubs apartment.

Jeremiah Ramirez, 29. Got off of patrol 2 months before he encountered Jen. We brought him into the station. He confessed on paper to all 4 murders and Jen's rape. Death penalty. Personally I don't like the death penalty, I think it's an easy way out for the most awful.

Jen felt awful, she felt as though it was her fault. I felt numb the whole time. Knowing what each of these women went through. But I couldn't be numb if I wanted to help Isabella.

The team all agreed they wanted to help. I got Chief Tim's permission to investigate, of course under one condition.

Investigator William Kins had to join the investigation or I couldn't do it.


Hotch let me take the lead on this case, I was most passionate about making sure rapists sit in a cell for as long as possible.

"Madeline. Madeline. MADELINE" Morgan tried to get my attention

"Hm? Sorry"

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can get the sex crimes unit out here instead"

"Morgan please, I need to do it"


Emily and I jumped in a car, headed to Isabella.

"Madeline how many women do you think there are?"

"I don't know. Something just tells me this is a serial rapist"

"I believe you. The team believes you. It's getting the courts and jury to believe you."

"Well then I guess it's good I have associates degree in law"

"When did you get that?"

"Online. Spencer told me I should, I know what to say when I testify for victims"

"Smart. Speaking of Spencer how's the whole hubby thing going?"

"Nothing's changed. He does talk about kids more though"

"Are you two considering it?"

"I mean yeah. Every weekend we don't have plans we take the train to New York and have a little lunch date with Maddy"

"Oh so you two have baby fever"

"Yes and No. We both know the job is dangerous so we're waiting for a time where it feels right"

"Oh okay"

10 minutes later we pulled into a small house.

Nice neighborhood, good condition.

I knocked on the door, the father answered.

"Hi we're with the FBI. I'm Supervisory Special Agent Madeline Reid this is my fellow Agent Emily Prentiss. Is your daughter Isabella home?"

"Uh yes why?"

"We need to take her to the local pd to get a statement from her that's all"

"What did she do?"

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