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Wang Yibo reached the cafe in a few minutes and found Hao Xuan waiting for him at a corner table. He entered the cafe and took a seat opposite to his friend and asked.

"What is it??"

"What is what??", Hao Xuan asked back.

"For what you called me here.. we're obviously not here for a date right??" , Yibo asked rolling his eyes in irritation.

There's no way he is gonna tolerate all this nonsense. He had left Zhan and his cosy room and had given up on his resting time just to know what Xuan's secret was.. he didn't want to waste time unnecessarily here.

"No.. not at all.. no way.. rather I called you to help me set up a date!", Xuan said with excitement while he smirked inwardly.

"How can I help you with your date with Jiyang?", Yibo was confused.

"Ah. Not with Jiyang but with someone else.. I'm already done with him.. although he gave me good pleasure! But now I wanna taste someone new.. You know.. it's not quite working well between us.. I mean I should have the freedom to seek someone I find alluring right?? But Jiyang just doesn't let me.. he's always trying to stop me.. and restrain me.. and I'm so done. However.. now he knows.. I just need your help to arrange a perfect date for my next pleasure.", Hao Xuan said in a confident yet demanding tone.

"Xuan, I never knew you were a playboy!! Just how perverted are you! Don't you care about Jiyang's feelings? You failed me buddy!!", Yibo said being shocked.

"Ah.. well I never was.. but that doesn't mean I can't become one now.. life's all about fun! And sticking to just one boring person.. isn't giving me the thrill I am seeking for.. so I feel am right from my point. And yeah.. atleast you don't start lecturing me.. you don't even have any experience in love !!", Xuan ranted.

Only if they knew.

Yibo thought and replied as he tried to get up from his seat to leave, "However I'm not helping you in any way! And.. am not sorry!!"

"Aiyahh.. don't leave yet.. fine I won't force you.. but don't you wanna know who I've fallen for now?? The main attraction of my secret??", Hao Xuan winked as he said.

"Who is it ?", Yibo asked not being interested as he sat back.

"Um.. umm.. it's .. it's.. it's Zhan! Like you know righ--", Xuan's words were at once cut off by Yibo.

"What the fucking fuck!! Don't you dare thi--", Yibo yelled at him when he heard the other guy take his Bestu's name while he lets the anger rise in him. But Hao Xuan cuts him off midway.

"Uh okk.. I know he is your best friend.. but see.. Zhan seems to be the perfect kind for me.. he needs thrill too.. and I feel he will easily accept to hook up with me. C'mon Yibo.. don't tell me you never drooled over his perfect shaped body.. I won't believe that.. yet honestly I do feel he can give me the best ever pleasure I ever had, with that slim body of his and those red lips seems so inviting.. oh.. how good it's gonna feel to do him..", Hao Xuan explained.

Yibo clenched his fist and gritted his teeth in anger. He could feel his blood boil as he heard Xuan's words. His vexed and angry thoughts started clouding at the back of his mind in the said moment.

How dare you HAO XUAN!!! I want to kill you and bury you right here!! How dare you look at MY ZHAN with that kind of intent! I'm gonna rip your soul and let you burn in hell if you further say any such thing about MY MAN !! YOU PERVERT !!!!!!

Hao Xuan started speaking again as he heard no response. He looked at Yibo and read his expression and started talking again.

"Zhan is absolutely the sexiest man I've ever seen.. don't you think I can give him the best pleasure too?--", Xuan couldn't say further as he was knocked down to the floor by a strong fist that hit his jawline all of a sudden.

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