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"A party ?!"

"Yes! Many others are gonna come.. you know.. from almost full University. I really hope you'll come too.", The girl named Susan said and turned to Zhan and continued, "Zhan Ge, you will come right?"

Zhan just smiled in reply. A fake one for sure. He was not liking this girl at all. This Susan seemed over enthusiastic for their first meeting.

Susan seemed to be quite satisfied with their reactions, while her friends squealed at the handsome smile of Zhan, and the good-looking guys in front of them. Susan happily stated, "Ok then.. I'll wait for you both in the party tonight."

"Tonight?!", Yibo it was.

"Yes. Tomorrow's my birthday and we'll celebrate it tonight sharp at twelve. You guys gotta stay till midnight. Moreover my parents are out of the town, so we can party all night! Don't forget.. the theme is casual.. wear some casual clothing.. that will look good on you.. and also give you the party vibe!", she winked and smirked. Zhan rolled his eyes internally.

"O", Yibo replied.

"Fine I'll leave now.. Bye-bye!"

And the girl left. Zhan sighed in relief but still grimaced when he recalled all the flirtings. He moved away from Yibo and started brewing coffee as per the customers' orders.

While Yibo stretched his limbs and exclaimed excitedly.

"I can't believe we got invited to such a party just after we came back from the trip! It's gonna be fun tonight!"

Yibo looked at Zhan cheerfully but earned a glare in return.

"ZhanZhan, why aren't you excited?", he pouted.

"You can go.. I won't."

"But you agreed!"

"No I didn't!"

"What's the problem in going to this party? You like parties, don't you?"

"I like. But I don't like the host.", Zhan stated.

"As if you're gonna marry her! C'mon boy! Don't be a spoiltsport Zhan!"

"I won't go Yibo! And I suggest you to not go as well.."

"Hey!!! You can't do that.. pleeeaaassse~ "

"Why are you so persistent about this?!"

"Because I really wanna go.. are you afraid I'll find a girlfriend there??", Yibo teased.

"I'm the straight one here.. you're gay. Did you forget that?? Or are you trying to imply that you are Bi now?"

"Oh right.. I can never have a girlfriend because I feel uncomfortable with girls.. unlike you. However, can't you do this for me Zhan? Just once.. let's go.. please??"

"No way!"

"Aye please.. eh! Why are you leaving.. listen to me! ZhanZhan !"

And the bickering continued for the rest of the day.. till the time when Yibo finally convinced Zhan to accompany him to the so-called gracious party.

More to that, as best friends they are.. Yibo loves to annoy Zhan as much as he loves the guy. So.. despite knowing that Zhan is not willing to go, neither does he want Yibo to go.. Yibo kept on nagging Zhan to choose their outfits and annoyed the hell outta him. However he succeeded.

After much pleading, Zhan chose a good outfit for the casual birthday party that absolutely made Yibo look stunning.

After much pleading, Zhan chose a good outfit for the casual birthday party that absolutely made Yibo look stunning

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