Chapter 23

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Vince's POV

I finished with some work in the company and headed to the hospital. It's been a week and a half since the surgery. My son is moving out of the incubator today. I'm happy that everything was alright with him, but my babygirl hasn't woken up yet.

Doctors say she could wake up at anytime since they moved her in normal room two days ago. She was doing fine, but I miss her so much.

I told James to buy a baby carriage for our son. I wanted to wait for Anita to wake up but I will need to name him myself because she still sleeps and doctor needs to put his name in the document.

I sighed and got out from my car. I headed inside the hospital with baby clothes inside the bag. I can wait to hold my baby boy in my arms. I rushed to the doctor and found him in his office.

''Hello, Doctor! I came to take my son.''
''I see you are very excited about that. Let's go.'' He chuckled. We soon arrived in front of the room where other babies along with mine were in incubators.

One of the nurses were already there waiting for me obviously. Doctor checked my son and smiled.
''Everything is great. I'm surprised how much he got better in weight in this past week. Did you bring any clothes for him?''
''Yes, of course.''
''And diaper?''
''No, I forgot. I'm so sorry. How could I forget that?'' I panicked on which doctor chuckled.
''It's fine. Nurse will change him in one.''
''Thank you.'' I sighed in relief.

When he was all pampered and ready, nurse handed him to me carefully. He was wrapped in baby blue blanket. I felt so proud of me. I'm holding my perfect son in my arms. I waited for this for seven months and now I'm finally have him. My perfect baby boy.

''Can we fix some documents about him?''
''Yes.'' Doctor smiled as we got out of that room. I was safely carrying my son in my arms. He is so tiny but his cheeks are really chubby.

I decided I will name him Ricardo Ruiz. I hope my babygirl will like it when she finds out. I felt something special about this name so I decided on it. When papers were finished, I went to Anita's room. I wanted him to feel his mother's touch that's very important to newborn babies.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I slowly sat on a chair to not wake him up. He fell asleep as soon as I got him in my arms.

''Hello, baby. Guess who I brought?'' I asked her. I took her hand and put it on Ricardo's tummy.
''This is our little son. He is so perfect, baby. He has your blue eyes too, but I'm glad he got my looks. I mean it's not that you're ugly. You're beautiful, but I'm happy that he at least got something from me. You only need to wake up so you can see him. He has really chubby cheeks and weights already 7 pounds.''

I smiled as tear slid down my cheek. This is so hard. So so hard. How can I do everything when my girl isn't with me?

''Doctor said I need to feed him with baby formulas because you can't breastfeed him yet. I will take care of him. You recover fast so we can take care of him together. He needs his mom and I need you back too.''

I kissed her hand and got up from chair. I exited the room and headed outside the hospital. James also told me to buy a babyseat for him so I did that yesterday. It took me few minutes to find out how to secure him in it but I did it successfully.

I was driving carefully and slowly towards the house. I was relieved when he didn't woke up or else he would be crying mess. I don't like baby cries at all.

I didn't even do his room because we didn't expect him this early. I actually started working on his room few days before he got that threatening message. And I didn't expect for this to happen. Anything of this.

I entered the front door and climbed upstairs with him in my arms. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I entered my room and put him in the middle of my bed. I secured him with pillows on every side and exited the room.

I dialled James's number on which he immediately picked up.
''I need your big help.''
''I just brought my son home and I don't have anything for him. I need you to go and buy baby formulas for newborns. That's really important. Then pacifer, more clothes and...'' I started thinking of what else do I need.

''Diapers. Few packs of diapers. That's also important. Wet wipes for babies, creams, baby powder. Things like that.''
''Alright. I'm on my way. I hope I'll figure out everything.'' He sighed heavily.
''Thank you so much. I promise you that you'll get a month of vacation.'' He chuckled at my happy tone.

I smiled to myself and checked on my son. He didn't move an inch from how I put him. I entered the room that was supposed to be his and saw only plain blue walls and packed crib.

I unpacked the crib and pulled it in the corner of the room were was supposed to be. I planned on putting white closet for his clothes and a dresser where his baby stuff were supposed to be.

I wanted to put some soft carpet on hardwood floor and the room will be done. As the time goes, walls of his room would be filled with our pictures. Pictures of our perfect family.

I guess I'm going baby shopping tomorrow with Ricardo. I wish his mom would be with us so we can decide on everything together, but I'll make everything nice so she will like it. I would put my son to sleep with me tonight since he doesn't have a room but by tomorrow everything will be ready.

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