Wrath Of Queen

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Welcome back everyone.

Enjoy chapter 2 XD



"Demonic Voice"


So without further ado, let's go.


It didn't take long for Kurama to reach Jiraiya's brothel - as it was quite famous - she glared in disgust at the neon sign that read 'MAKE OUT PARADISE'. She briskly walked towards the skimpy clothed, fairly attractive brunette in her early twenties calling out for customers.

"Excuse me." She politely called out to the women, no need for her to take her anger out on every human she comes across.

The woman who was calling out for customers turned around to face the owner of the melodious voice and gasped in shock, "LADY KURAMA!"

Kurama raised a delicate eyebrow at the shocked woman in front of her and decided to let go as to why the woman was shocked - it was not the first time she had seen this reaction and it probably won't be the last. She asked in an even tone, "Is Jiraiya here?"

The woman in front of her quickly composed herself and asked in a curious tone, "Yes, he is still in the brothel. Why? Do you need to talk to him or something?"

She was about to say 'yes' before she paused and decided to ask more about the reason why she was even near this disgusting place, "Before that, there is something I would like to ask of you. Do you perhaps have some minutes to spare?"

The woman in front of her looked around for a bit and gestured one of her co-workers something before she turned around and nodded her head. She gave a polite smile and asked in a curious tone, "What do you need to know about, Lady Kurama?"

"About a boy named Naruto Uzumaki." She answered curtly.

Kurama saw as the smile dropped from the woman's face and a sad frown adorned her face, she started in a doleful tone, "Yes, the poor, poor boy. He was brought at the same time I joined this brothel due to the extreme need for money. He was just nine years old when Master Jiraiya first brought him here, the poor boy didn't even know what he had gotten himself until the same night he was sold for the first time. His cries of pain and horror still haunt some of us Lady Kurama... it was the most heartbreaking sight when Master Jiraiya retrieved him from the room the next morning. Eyes totally blood-shot and devoid of any innocence he had the previous morning, throat fully sore; not a sound came out of him for the next couple of days due to the damaged throat." She paused to wipe a tear that had escaped from her by remembering the most heartbreaking sight she had ever seen.

Kurama's vision became misty and she gritted her teeth so hard she tasted the coppery ting of her own blood in her mouth. She took a shuddering breath to calm herself and asked in a thinly-veiled rage-filled voice, "What happened after that?"

The woman also composed herself and continued, "After that, he was thrown into a room by Master Jiraiya and was given a week to heal-up. Naturally, all the female workers tried to help the poor boy but Master Jiraiya made it clear that anybody who helped the boy will lose their jobs. Some of us immediately backed down because we couldn't lose the job whereas others tried to help the boy being as discreet as possible, but the damage was already done Lady Kurama. From then on, the boy became a former shelf of himself and just... did what was asked of him and eventually, even his cries of pain and horror stopped, the poor boy became totally numb to everything that happened to him and just continued on... until a woman named Anko took pity on him and helped him escape just two months ago."

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