You Are Worthy !

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Welcome back everyone. Hope you all are in perfect health :)

Thank you for giving my story a try.

So without further ado, let's start with chapter 6



"Demonic Voice"



Naruto with the help of his special ability: Shadow clones -which created corporal copies of himself- was able to finish making breakfast in a mere twenty-five minutes. He was now placing all the dishes he had created along with his clones on the table -that was situated in their large back garden.

Just as he finished placing all the dishes, he heard soft footsteps coming from behind him and he turned around to greet the owner of said footsteps.

A soft, adoring smile came upon his face when he spotted her, she was dressed in the same dress she had when he had first met her.

Seeing his soft, adoring smile directed at her, she softly asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, nothing really. It's just, you are wearing the same dress you were wearing when you saved me from that village. Magic imbued clothes are really something." He answered her with a small, nostalgic smile gracing his face.

"Really!" She exclaimed in surprise and looked down at her dress, she looked back up at him and asked in a surprised tone, "You still remembered what I was wearing?"

He nodded his head with a soft smile, "I remember every single thing about that day, Mistress. After all, it was the first time I had wished something for Christmas and it came true mere hours later."

She walked forward and sat down at the chair he pulled for her and rested her cheek at the palm of her hand, she looked at him and asked in a curious tone, "What did you wish for?"

"Hmm, I wished for someone to save me obviously." He replied with a humorous smile on his face.

"Oh come on! That can't be it! There has to be more to it." She pouted at his response.

He chuckled at her and gave her an amused smile, "Oh, there is."

"Come on, tell me then!" She pleaded childishly.

"Do you really wanna know?" He gave her another amused smile.

She nodded her head with an eager smile plastered on her face.

He brought his hand up and flicked her forehead, "Perhaps, sometime later, Mistress."

She rubbed her forehead with a pout on her face, "Meanie!"

He chuckled at her and she pouted more, "You're too cute for your own good, Mistress."

She looked at him with a mock-hurt look, "Just cute, Naruto?"

He looked at her with an amused smile and sat down in the chair directly in front of her. He leaned forward with a playful smirk on his face, "Pardon my insolence, Mistress. You are not cute, you are drop-dead gorgeous."

"Of course, I am. I am the most beautiful woman in this entire world." She puffed up her large chest and replied in a haughty tone.

"Yes, yes you are." He rested his face against his palm and agreed with a loving smile on his face.

A slight blush rose on her whiskered cheeks at the adoring look he gave at her joking, she averted her face and softly mumbled, "Idiot."

"Oh, I am an idiot now?" He softly asked with a teasing grin on his face.

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