Away from Hell

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Two chapters in one day.


So without further ado, let's start with chapter 3



"Demonic Voice"



 Kurama continued her stride towards the direction she could sense the faintest amount of fox-magic coming from. She mentally berated herself for not using her sensory abilities until now to check if something was out of place. Oh well, she will get nothing out of crying over spilled milk as the saying goes.

She continued to follow the only source where the fox-magic was originating for ten minutes and eventually came to a stop in front of a broad back alley. She looked around for a moment before she entered the alley and continued to walk in it until she finally spotted the source of the fox-magic she was sensing.

He was lying on the cold hard ground with just a thin black tattered T-shirt covering his slightly malnourished form and a pair of knee-length, cream-colored shorts. He was barefoot and she can see many blisters form on his soles of both feet.

He was curled up in himself and had his tail in front of him and he was using it as body-pillow. He was shivering and whimpering slightly in his sleep; things like 'please stop', 'please I beg you, please just stop' continuously escaped his mouth.

The mere sight of the boy was enough to bring her to tears for the second time of the day, she instantly kneeled down in front of the boy without any care of her dress and reached out with her right hand to wake him up, just as she touched him and called him out; something totally unexpected happened.

He violently jerked awake and instantly backed away from her with an expression of pure, unadulterated fear plastered on his face.

"Please, don't hurt me anymore!" He pleaded with his hands covering his face and his tail wrapped protectively in front of him.

Her hand remained outstretched and her throat went dry, tears started to freely fall from her stunning ruby red eyes as she witnessed his reaction. She choked out, "Na-Naruto..."

Hearing his name so softly being called out for the first time in his life, he hesitantly lowered his hands down from his face and looked towards the one who called out his name so softly.

The moment he laid his dulled eyes on her, he felt all the breath he had in him leaving his body at the moment. The woman in front of him was otherworldly beautiful, there were simply no words to describe her beauty other than her being, "A goddess..." He whispered, momentarily stunned in front of her beauty.

Apparently, she heard him, she started giggling at his momentarily stunned expression. She said in a warm, humor-filled tone, "I am no goddess, Naruto. Regardless, thank you for your kind compliment, you young charmer."

Her angelic voice that sounded like a siren's music to his ears, brought him out of his stupor and his eyes went back to their previously hollowed look and he asked in a blank tone, "Who are you then and how do you know my name?"

Her smile disappeared and a sad frown adorned her beautiful face at his totally devoid of any emotion tone, she brought her outstretched hand back and used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears - something Naruto noticed. She answered in a gentle voice, "In reverse order, I know your name because I overheard it from someone and as for whom I am..." She brought her nine-fluffy tail in front of her and watched; as his dull eyes widened in shock and disbelief, she continued, "I am just like you, a fox-beast."

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