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Welcome back everyone. Hope you all are in perfect health :)

There will be a mini adult scene, so be careful....... 

Thank you for giving my story a try.

So without further ado, let's start with chapter 5



"Demonic Voice"



It wasn't long before he reached his home and finished his ridiculous morning workout of three hours, and freshened up. Now, he stood in the kitchen - dressed up in a casual white form-fitting t-shirt with a red Uzumaki swirl at the back, black-faded slim-fit jeans, and black socks.

He looked at the clock on the wall adjacent to him and noticed it was 08:29 a.m. - about the time he wakes his Mistress. He looked down at the tea he was brewing and noticed it was finally done.

He took the cup he has beforehand picked and started to pour the perfectly brewed tea in it. He placed the cup in a small tray and picked the tray up.

He soundlessly started walking towards the room his Mistress slept in and within seconds, he reached it. He opened the door with one of his tails and stepped in gently without making any noise and closed the door behind him with the help of the same tail.

He looked around the room -that was essentially the same as his- before his eyes fell onto the lump that was on the king-sized bed. His eyes took in the slight rising and falling of the sheet before he shook his head and walked in the room.

He placed the tray at the bed-side table and sat down at the unoccupied area of the bed, near her uncovered head.

He looked down at her beautiful face -that hasn't changed since the day he met- that currently has the softest of a smile as she slept. He gently brought one hand of his and softly caressed her whiskered cheek, he softly called out, "Mistress, wake up."

She stirred a little but otherwise, nothing.

He tried again, "Mistress, wake up."

A soft groan but otherwise, nothing.

Again, "Mistress, it's already morning, wake up."

Another groan and yup, you guessed it, nothing.

He heaved a sigh at the heavy sleeper that was his Mistress. Honestly, when he first met her, he thought - she was the most perfect woman one could ever meet and it was further solidified when they finally arrived at this 3 bedrooms one-story house with a large back garden. His thoughts were 'what a perfect woman; beautiful and modest' but how wrong was he in his thinking.

The perfect picture of her started to shatter the moment they stepped into the house. The house - for the lack of a better word was: a complete and utter mess. That was the first thing he learned about her, while she was a rather modest person the real reason she had a house of this size was that - she was a really, really lazy woman. She didn't like to clean anything and spent much of her time lazing around.

And the more he lived with her, the more perfect picture of her started to shatter in his mind; until nothing remained of it. She couldn't cook a single thing and lived solely on instant made food. How she could manage to rock a bombshell of a body on such an unhealthy diet was beyond him.

He still remembered the day when he first cooked her a meal and she had cried tears of joy at finally eating a home-cooked meal after God knows how long.

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